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Anyone live in or neer San Diego?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:16 am
by desmarat
Ive gotten into this bike, and do t want to go beyond my means. Cant afford to take her to a shop, so if anyone wants to make a few bucks helping me figure out some electrical issues let me know. If not, thanks for looking, stay safe, and wish me luck!

Re: Anyone live in or neer San Diego?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:58 am
by KaspenOne
post up your problem here and im sure one of these savy gentelmen will have the answer. i know they have helped me time and time agian. btw i live on the central coast i would go down that way to help but long drive and i work 6 days a week..but im sure we can all help you here