So here's the bike now, as well as the new "part motor" I'll be using (thanks to fzrbrandon):

Recent things I HAVE done to the bike:
-Fixed all the exhaust leaks and missing rivets.
-New R6 VR
-Proper burnout.
-New rear pads
I'll be getting rid of the trans parts (other than the cases), and swapping the top ends after I go thru this "new" one thoroughly. PO of the bike didn't do any (if any, then very few) maintence things on this...resulting in a 90k+ bike that needs love. He claims he put a new battery in it as well, but I think it may be junk after my starting issues (mentioned below). And before anyone thinks I paid to much for it or anything, it runs and I need a $770 vehicle since I just moved over 3k miles...but it'll be a rad bike when done.
First off, can anyone give me some input on my starting problem? I can bump start the bike in 2nd fine, and it runs...but when I try to start it with the elec start, I just get either ONE click or constantly clicking from the ignitor box under the seat. Again, the PO says it was a new battery too. I tested it at work and it had 14v (I believe) while sitting, and about the same at idle. Any help would be cool, and to get some brownie points here's what I do at work all day besides read FZR nonsense...