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Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:47 pm
by contact_jcj
Hi. I have a 92 fzr 600. Recently it started to act up and I decided to take the carburators off and go through them since it as old bike. I know that the other components of the ignition system are ok ( spark and air ) because I am constantly working on my bike.
I saw the posting that was put up by match417 about carburators, and I am going to look at that tonight.
One thing it started to do is leak fuel from the left side where the choke goes in and out. Also, when I got it off the bike, I saw that there was fuel in the riser directly below that carburator on the left side. Not just a little fuel, it was half full. I had to use a couple of rags to get it out of there.
It has become unpredictable when trying to start it. And, once I am able to get it started, it only idles at a normal range for a few moments, and then it goes directly to very high rpms on it's own accord. I have not done anything to the idle setting, this is just something that started happening. The bike does not go back to a normal idle, I have to just turn it off.
I have included some pictures. Any input would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:11 am
by ragedigital
When was the last time you took the float bowls off to take a look inside?
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:35 pm
by contact_jcj

I watched the video by match417 about cleaning the carburetors, and I took everything apart and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary inside. However, the main pilot screws were way off from where they should have been. And I can tell by looking that they are not properly synced together, which I will resolve again with the videos from match 417. I read some information on the web about the setting for the float height is supposed to be at 22 mm. What exactly does this mean? What am I supposed to be measuring, and with what kind of tool?
The components for the choke are under each or the individual carburetors, and there is a rail that slides the assembly back and forth. How do I take this apart in order to have a look at this side where it started leaking from? The leak is not fast. It comes out right where the rail slides in and out and drips down onto the bolt directly below, and then down onto the engine. The leak occurs whether the slide is open or closed. I live in the southwest, and I have never used the choke. The bike is 20 years old, so it is not hard to believe that a seal or gasket has failed, I just need some direction on how to properly get the assembly apart to see what is going on in there.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:46 pm
by ragedigital
I don't know how it's possible to have fuel leaking from them, except that if you have a float bowl stuck open. I'm not an expert on carbs and maybe someone can chime in to help on that issue.
Here is a link to setting float height by Factory Pro :: ... edure.html
Here is a link to a cheap tool I made to check mine :: ... oat+height
WIKI page about carbs ::
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:03 pm
by Redoliander
Not sure why they are leaking from there. Where in AZ are you? I'm in Gilbert.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:42 am
by contact_jcj
I am in Phoenix, at 12th Street and Thomas. I took a small screwdriver and pried up the rubber gasket a little ways to see if maybe it was damaged. It was actually on there quite tightly, and there is a bottom part to it that seats into a groove there. It did not appear to damaged in any way. That does not mean it is working properly, but there did not seem to be anything physical that I could easily identify with my eyes. I did not take it completely off, because I am trying to exercise some caution about the whole thing.
There is a small plastic piece that rests against the metal housing, and I used the same small screwdriver to pry at this a bit also to see if it was loose, and there did not appear to be anything out of the ordinary with this either. That does not mean it is not malfunctioning, and the leak is coming from behind it.
When the carburetor is on the bike, it is impossible to see exactly where it is coming from. You can see it just slightly, at a bad angle from the top, with a flashlight. And when laying on the ground right next to the bike looking up, all you can see is that it is leaking slowly and drips onto the nut directly below it and then onto the engine housing.
Maybe there is something inside of the metal housing that is failing.
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:47 am
by KaspenOne
i agree with rage, if its leaking its common that its becuase the float neddle is stuck in the open postion .. cheak the needle and seat and float itself to make sure its not perforated and set the hight to correct spec. also make sure your doing it correctly, i set the hight correctly but i didnt tilt the carbs so therefor i was off by a few mm which ended up over flooding my carbs and cuasing them to leak
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:37 pm
by contact_jcj
I am going to open up my carberators again. I am going to make a tool like the one rage sent me a link to (a card cut at 22.5 mm) and see if I can't determine if the floats are out of adjustment.
Can you describe to me exactly how to set the height, and also at what angle should I be tilting it to be right? Should they be sitting flat, just like they sit on top of the engine?
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:01 pm
by GreyImport