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Screws and Restrictor Cone
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:29 am
by JoePro
Alright, so I recently took my '91 FZR600 to get safety inspected in MD and it failed because of the following reasons:
"Tail Light Loose
Needs Chain Guard
Needs Restrictor/Cone in Exhaust"
So I bought a used chain guard, however it didn't come with screws. In addition when I looked at the tail light after removing the passenger seat I noticed that there aren't any screws holding it in. Does anybody know what size screws and nuts these are or where I could find them cheap? Furthermore, is there a temporary way I can make the bike quieter so it can pass inspection...I'd rather not have to drop $75 on a restrictor for the exhaust, the bike really isn't that loud and other riders I've talked to say that it's safer for us to have our bikes on the louder side because then it alerts other drivers to our presence. Thoughts?
Re: Screws and Restrictor Cone
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:47 pm
by thatkid
Tail light should be an M6 nut and I believe the chain guard is as well. It might be M5 bolts for the chain guard though. As for loud pipes save live...garbage. A way to justify their overly loud exhausts. The sound from your exhaust is predominately directed behind you. So the people behind you will hear you, but guess what? They can see you. In front of you and to the side of you is a faint echo of the sound behind you. You need to ride like you are invisible to cars, because to most of them, you are. Bright lights, loud pipes, loud paint jobs, all secondary to defensive riding. So spend the money and get a pipe that passes safety. No one wants to hear your loud exhaust at 2 am as you ride home anyway.
Re: Screws and Restrictor Cone
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:49 pm
by fzrbrandon
thatkid wrote:As for loud pipes save live...garbage. A way to justify their overly loud exhausts. The sound from your exhaust is predominately directed behind you. So the people behind you will hear you, but guess what? They can see you. In front of you and to the side of you is a faint echo of the sound behind you. You need to ride like you are invisible to cars, because to most of them, you are. Bright lights, loud pipes, loud paint jobs, all secondary to defensive riding. So spend the money and get a pipe that passes safety. No one wants to hear your loud exhaust at 2 am as you ride home anyway.
The only time I ever hear a loud bike is when it rips past me.
So... a) it's AT LEAST right next to me when I finally hear it (at which point it's too late for any corrective action)
and.. b) by ripping past me, it usually means he's driving like an idiot and is looking for someone to change lanes right in front of him.
Oh, and to take it one step further - I've actually seen these d-bags crack their throttle open as they're pulling alongside someone which very often ends up scaring the crap out of the cager thereby nearly causing the very thing that they're trying to avoid.
Flame suit officially on.
Seriously, like TK said, learn to ride with your head on a swivel and expect that if anyone has an opportunity to run into you, they may just do it.
Hope for the best but plan for the worst...
Re: Screws and Restrictor Cone
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:31 pm
by Bandon
Agree, agree, and agree. I ALWAYS ride as if everyone in a cage is trying to kill me. And, guess what, some of them probably are. At least, it seems that way. Loud pipes only piss off the neighbors and draw attention to the rear of your bike, since that's the point of view of those who will hear it. I know that's already been stated. But it's worth repeating. That being said, my bike is loud as balls at WOT. But, that's cause I dig loud stuff and don't like my neighbors anyway. Get that thing legal and ride safe.