Need help with FZR starter issue

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Need help with FZR starter issue

Post by kaipederson »

I have a 97' FZR 600 that's got 13600 on the odometer and has been running awesome ever since I picked it up and completed the project that it was. So I get home from football today after taking the bike out and tried starting it right after I shut it off so I could move it. All I got was one click. So I did all the stuff like putting it in neutral to rule out clutch switch/sidestand switch and still nothing but that click. I take off the seat to check fuses and to verify that the click was coming from the solenoid. Fuses were good, but if i held the starter button down with the seat off I could hear an odd high pitched noise from somewhere down there. I wheeled it into the garage, googled the issue, tried grounding starter relay switch (just got clicking/buzzing from solenoid), bridging posts on solenoid (wire just sparks or heats up), and finally figured it was the starter. Pulled that thing out, tapped it, and used my battery charger on the lowest setting to try and see if it was that. Starter spun freely so I was kind of stumped. Hooked the neg cable back up to the starter and with the starter resting on the metal it grounds to but not fully in place I hit the starter switch just to confirm that it was getting power. Spun once again. Figured the issue was over. Put the starter back into place and tried it, but just keep getting a buzzing from the solenoid. Completely puzzled at this point. I keep trying to bump start it but my bike is kinda difficult to roll start on my driveway. Could it possibly be a weak starter or something? Any help would be awesome I really need my source of transportation back. Thanks guys
Ps: Not sure if it matters but I did run it pretty hard today. Not redlining or anything but shifting around 11k.
1997 Yamaha FZR-600
1980 Kawasaki KZ550 C-1
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