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Bad 2nd - shift fork or gear?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:03 pm
by Belgarion
Greetings all.

There is a local guy with an '89 fzr he's selling for pretty cheap, mostly because it's old and it has the ubiquitous FZR 2nd gear problem. I read about the problem and solution after following the link in the Before You Buy guide. After reading the DIY on replacing shift forks and drums I was confident I'd be able to fix it myself so I and a couple friends went to check it out. After a few minutes inspecting I asked if my friend could ride it (I won't go into why this was necessary right now). It seems it will go into second, but clicks as you ride, getting faster with ground speed. There is no click while in neutral or other gears. At that point I told the owner I would need to consult some experts on the matter (you guys :thumbsup: ) and we parted ways. After the owner left my friend described second as grabbing, letting go, then grabbing again. We began to wonder if this was a worn gear dog or something similar. If the problem is a shift fork or drum, no problem, but I'm not interested in replacing gears.

What do you guys think? Hopefully I've given you enough information. I think forums like this can provide some fantastic advice and support for the weekend mechanic. DIY's, common mods, out-of-the-box fixes, etc. Hopefully I won't attract too many trolls. jk