Hey, You did mention "If the poxy english weather will hold off"Gizzard1533 wrote:
Someone suggested the ignition coils and a dodgy connection, this sounded plausable to me as i have to use a fair bit of strength to get the thing on, which leads me to believe that wrestling the airbox on knocks a connection, and as i pull it off i relieve the pressure on the coils allowing them to run properly?? Does that sound logical to you??
You could well have electrical problems I.E. poor corroded connections.
Stock UK Jets sizes E.T.C.
Main Jet 107.5
Starter Jet 52.5
Pilot Jet 30
Main Air Jet 65
Pilot Air jet 112.5
Jet needle/clip position 5CFZ4/2 Position 1 is the top of the needle (fat end)
Needle Jet Y-O
Pilot screw 3 turns out
Stock float height is 22mm, measured from the carb body to the float base (obviously whilst the carbs are inverted). Who wants to reassemble their carbs fill them up with fuel, then adjust time and time again? Think of the poor rubber gaskets