Hola everybody, I'm new to this site, but I've been looking around for about a month now (since I bought my 93 fzr 600). The people here seem very knowledgeable and cool, used quite a bit of info from this site to work on my bike, since I've never touched a motorcycle (like this) mechanically up until I bought my bike (I've worked on dirt bikes before). Now let's get down to it. I've been looking around for a starter from the shops near me, and no one can find a aftermarket starter, and there's no way I'm paying $450 for a starter from Yamaha, and the ones I see on eBay look sketchy. Does anyone here have one for sale or have a suggestion on where to look? Thanks for your help, ahead of time.
- Cody
93 fzr 600- bad starter
Moderators: Site Director, FZR Forum Moderators
Re: 93 fzr 600- bad starter
Hi, Cody - welcome to the madness!
Have a look in the Items For Sale, where you'll find (oddly enough) items for sale. There's a few guys parting out entire bikes; I haven't seen any starters mentioned, so ask away!
Have a look in the Items For Sale, where you'll find (oddly enough) items for sale. There's a few guys parting out entire bikes; I haven't seen any starters mentioned, so ask away!
1989 3LN1 FZR250R, currently stock.
TTR Ignition Systems
TCI Repair and Ignition Transistor Upgrade
VRR Adaptor Harness
YZF600 TCI Adaptor
Running Light Fuse Carrier
TTR Ignition Systems
TCI Repair and Ignition Transistor Upgrade
VRR Adaptor Harness
YZF600 TCI Adaptor
Running Light Fuse Carrier
Re: 93 fzr 600- bad starter
I do indeed have one for sale. Two in fact.

Do YOU Scopper?
"When some people cry, it's not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for far too long."