So i had been hearing a squealing coming from the rear of my bike. First thought it was the clutch, turned out to be the cable was kinked and pulling on the cable not allowing the clutch to fully engage. Then thought it could be the rear bearings, took my chain off to get the tire off and saw this!
Also with that, i realized my dumb ass did not put the orings back on the master link. I put two in on one side and then just the plate and clip on the other (WTF!)

. So i cleaned my chain like this... With a drill, hole say adapter, spare sprocket, and a zip tie to hold the trigger of the drill on slow turn turning the chain in a bucket of 1-K kerosene.
I saw a video of this online and followed it pretty close. I put the chain back on and placed all the o-rings in the master link, lubed the chain and rode it, No squealing! Heres the chain wax i use!
Now i just need to replace the chain and sprocket. Im pretty sure i have the 520 kit for the yzf 600 rear end i have. The sprocket says JTR245-3-46 and C45 in another spot. I put the numbers in online and came up with a 520 kit, can anyone verify if i am correct on that so i can buy the right sprocket, thanks!
92 FZR 600 25,000 miles and fresh rebuild. Painted
YZF forks
YZF swingarm
YZF rear shock
"Chopped" rear end
Custom electronics box (under seat)
Custom seat and rear frame bracing bracket