Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

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Re: Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!

Post by J-ROD »

Thanks M in KC for the tip! i went to home depot today and picked up some 6mm welding tips, after some searching around i found that they are a perfect
fit for the vacuum ports on the carb boots. tomorrow after work im going to install them and work on syncing the carbs. after i get that done, i'll work with
the air/fuel screws and see if i cant get it tuned a little better. earlier someone mentioned using a thermal temp gun to shoot the exhaust manifold pipes,
and adjust the needles so all the pipes read pretty close to the same temperature....I plan on doing this, but im not really sure where a good starting point
that the temp should read. I guess i'll start with the screws around 2 1/2 to 3 turns out, would that be a good starting point?
also, i finally got some pictures uploaded to a photobucket account!
Here is my 99 FZR 600! and the last picture is my 08 R6...that I still cry at night that i sold...LOL id do anything to get that bike back! ... ort=3&o=21 ... sort=3&o=2 ... ort=3&o=26

full album: ... t=3&page=1 ... t=3&page=2
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