Fzr 600 can't figure it out

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Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by Junkyfzr600 »

I've got a 1992 fzr 600 the will not start with out being jumped from the charger. It will start after it starts the first time but rarely will it start in the morning or after it sits. Here's what I've noticed and done. When I got the bike #2 header was not as hot as the others. Now #2 and #3 aren't getting hot like the others. The vr is the outdated vr (original) one and the the coil wires are dry rotted. The vr gets really hot too. Well I taped the coil wires up and it seemed to do better but now even with the charger it dosent want to start but is getting fire.(from when I tested it). I can smell gas when I'm trying to start it but if I put a little gas in each carb it will fire up quicker. I'm not a very good mechanic I know but this is a project and I want to do it. But what I'm thinking would maybe fix this is if I bought a new vr better coils and a carb rebuild. That's what I'm thinking but I'm here for any help to this problem or ideas thanks.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by tclayton9 »

Sounds like your valves need to be adjusted. How many miles are on the clock.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by DonTZ125 »

+1. You do need a new VR before you slag your TCI and tach, and you almost certainly need a carb cleaning, but what you're describing is classic tight intake valves.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by Junkyfzr600 »

You know I haven't checked the valves I don't know what exactly what these should be set on . There are 22k miles and these are the shim type like my z400 but there are only 4 in it. I shimmed them to much once and it ran sorta the same so I might look there Aswell ill try this just because I'm out of cash and options ill post reply if I mess it up or if it helps. Thanks for the replies again and anymore ideas will be helpfull.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by tclayton9 »

You can look on the wiki section on here it will help you out with everything you need.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by Junkyfzr600 »

Found a valve on #3 cylinder one of the intake valves was way to tight. so I took a shim from another motor and fixed that problem. Well now it's starting without the charger and it seems if I give it any gas while trying to start it floods it out if I choke it it floods it out. And now at real high rpms it's still sputters a moment before grabbing and getting down the road. But it straightens out after you get the rpms up real high. Any thoughts on this.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by Junkyfzr600 »

Ok so after adjusting the valve and going through the carbs again it's still not wanting to start in the morning or after about 8 hours of sitting. It has gotten better but still giving me crap. So a few things new I noticed is that when I hook it the charger it turns over fast and fires right up but, after its been sitting it turns over slow not real slow but about half the speed of when it's on the charger. But after it starts and I go to town and come back or it turns over fast and fires up and runs after one or two rotations everytime. I feel like its not getting enough juice in the morning but the battery is brand new. So that's what I'm dealing with it dosent miss or run funny once it's going either it runs great.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by tclayton9 »

Did you check your stator and see if it was charging the battery?
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by Junkyfzr600 »

Yes it's charging. You can run the lights for as long as you want and as long as you've been running it it will turn over fast even after using the lights. The vr gets really hot but I don't know if its not letting me get the voltage I need at start I don't know.
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Re: Fzr 600 can't figure it out

Post by DonTZ125 »

"The lights work" isn't really a valid check; a weak or damaged stator, or a failed-low VRR, may provide JUST enough juice to balance the lights and ignition without really putting a proper charge on the battery.

Measure the DC voltage across the battery terminals, stone cold, first thing in the morning, key off.
Measure the DC voltage across the battery terminals, key on, kill switch on.
Measure the DC voltage across the battery terminals, engine running at 5000rpm.
Switch off.
Unplug the VRR.
Start up; hold the engine at 5k.
Measure the AC voltage across each pair of white wires at the VRR plug (1-2, 2-3, 1-3).
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