Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

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Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by Harrysf707 »

So, I got my bike back from the shop today and they fixed the front brake problems that I was having.

Now however they say that both my front brake rotors are warped and needs to be the cheapest option that they gave me was to buy brand new EBC rotors for $250 a rotor, so about $500 total...

Problem is that I've already spent way too much money on fixing up this bike somewhere in the $2400+ range. I'm already broke as hell and don't feel like spending $500 on rotors...

Is there any way to straighten the rotors? My dad has access to a C&C Lathe machine and various other machines...if those would work then it would save me a whole lot of money.

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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by ragedigital »

Sometimes these places tell you their warped just to get some cash out of you. Have you checked them? Put a dial indicator on them if you can.

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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by Harrysf707 »

Yeah, I just went there to check. The right rotor is ever so slightly warped, while the left one bends inwards towards the wheel in one place...
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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by VanceW »

Pretty sure I have an extra set of stock rotors If need be. Don't have any sophisticated technology to prove theyre straight or anything. Also about to buy another parts bike. Will get you the best set I have that I'm not using if you want them. Just pm me and we can discuss it if you want.
Just to add I have 4 fzrs, bout to buy my 5th. Driven them all except for one bad motor but driven every other part, switched motors or forks and everything. No problems but one bad motor. Can possibly see if my work has any tools I can use like a micrometer or dial indicator.
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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by DonTZ125 »

Straightening rotors is a very bad idea, possibly leading to cracking and catastrophic failure. A slight warp can be machined out by skimming it IF there's enough meat left. An undersized rotor will quickly look like a potato chip.
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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by pefrey »

There are places that will straighten brake rotors. I think you should be able to find a pair of used rotors, or an entire front wheel with rotors for a decent price.

This guy comes highly recommended for quality / price. Not a very comprehensive site but good enough. The statement that he can straighten bent rotors is in the FAQ section.

EDIT: I can't really vouch for the viability of straighteneng a brake rotor, just that it can be done. Is it safe? Not a clue. Would I do it? Maybe.
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Re: Straighten Front Brake Rotors???

Post by Harrysf707 »

I think I'll just try to find some good used rotors. Haha, so many people on here and friends that I know are all advising against it.

-Thanks guys!
1993 FZR 600 w/ 92' front fairing swap, 520 conversion, Yoshimura R&D Exhaust, RaceTech springs.
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