FZR600 Forum

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Post by flaherty85 »

i just bought a 95 fzr 600 from a friend. it is my first streetbike. i need to have the fork seals spark battery and new tires. I am hoping to get some advice on what are the best spark plugs and battery to get...and also the best TIRES to get.
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Post by ~JM~ »

I'm new to the FZR world also & just went through trying to find new tires that fit my FZR400's 18" rear wheel. Supposedly "Stickboy Racing" is a good source for tires.

I've also heard that Dennis Kirk may be a good source also.

Of course if you have a local Bike Shop where you live, you should give them the business if you can. Someone will need to mount & balance the tires anyway, might as well buy the tires there also. The Bike Shops need all the support they can get or they will no longer be around when you really need them.

I usually buy my batteries from my local "Batteries Plus" store.
I like to buy the more expensive sealed AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) type of batteries instead of the old lead/acid batteries that have the vent line that pukes acid or corrosive fumes onto your bike. Batteries Plus usually has two lines of AGM batteries. One line is made in China & the top quality line is made in the USA. I always buy the "Made In USA" product whenever possible, even when it costs more. That extra money is going towards the future of my Country & supporting one of my fellow Americans job. Of course you can also see what type of batteries your local Bike Shop offers. The sealed AGM batteries can be easily shipped.

Stop by your local Bike Shop & see what type of CASH deal you can swing on the whole thing. Tires mounted & balanced, new seals installed, new battery & plugs, etc. Make sure that you quietly emphasize that you will pay in cash & don't necessarily require a receipt for everything. Of course removing the forks & wheels yourself & taking them in, will save you huge. Some Shops have a cut-off date that they won't work on certain older bikes & you will have to just bring them the sub-assemblies.

Good luck on your new bike & try to avoid buying bargain priced parts, especially tires. Motorcycles (much like Airplanes) deserve the best parts that you can afford. After-all... You will be sitting on top of it all, at speed someday & you don't want it to let you down.

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Post by flaherty85 »

Thanks! I do have a few local shops around I will give them a call. I am going to try and take the tires off today...not sure how I am going to balance the bike. Any ideas? I want to do as much work I can myself
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Post by ~JM~ »

I hang my bike from the rafters with tie down straps. I use two straps up front, one to each side of the bars, upper triple clamp, or frame rails, and then one strap in the back to hold up the back end. I suppose you could probably use rope if you don't have any tie down straps, but the straps make it much easier.

Leave it on the ground on the kick-stand & loosen all the bolts that you plan to remove. It's easier to break them loose when the bike is on the ground vs. hanging in the air. Once everything is loosened up, you can use a floor jack centered under the bike to get it up in the air, then tie it off & let it hang. Here's a pic of my bike all tore down & hanging (I hope).



When talking to your various Bike Shops & mentioning that you can pay in cash... It's better to do it in person with the owner of the Shop vs. over the phone. my2cents :whistle

Good luck
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Post by Genesis »

Just wanted to say koddos to JM for the excellent post.

Good luck on your bike, it is rewarding working on your own, just tripple check everything.

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Post by ~JM~ »

Ah thanks... It was nothin' really. :thumbsup:

I forgot to mention 2 more things you will want to buy for your bike. Fortunately they are not real expensive.

#1. A tube of "Anti-Sieze"

#2. A tube of "Lock-Tite"

You use a smear of Anti-Seize on the threads of the Nuts & Bolts that you may have to remove again. I use it on about every place that a bolt threads into aluminum. The Lock-Tite is for the Nuts & Bolts that you can't afford to have come loose while you are riding. You probably want to use the lightest to medium strength Lock-Tite. Stay away from the Stud Locker type of stuff.

Both will help prevent dissimilar metals from seizing together.

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Post by flaherty85 »

Awesome!! This is my first bike and first time on a forum....thanks for giving me your time and knowledge! Above and beyond what I expected.....already a huge help
1995 FZR600 white...purple and red
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