HELP!!! Gearshift will not click into 3rd. 99 fzr 600
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HELP!!! Gearshift will not click into 3rd. 99 fzr 600
Hey guys, I was riding the other night and my gearshift would not click up into 3rd. 1st gear was fine. 2nd was fine. But it would just stick into 2nd. Also going back down, it was hard getting it into neutral. My bike is a 99 fzr 600. Is this an easy fix and what could possibly be wrong? Please Help! Thanks
Re: HELP!!! Gearshift will not click into 3rd. 99 fzr 600
I'd check the obvious first: shift linkage not bent and functioning correctly, clutch lever adjusted propertly and anything else you can think of.
If something is broken / worn out inside it is not an easy fix.
If something is broken / worn out inside it is not an easy fix.
Re: HELP!!! Gearshift will not click into 3rd. 99 fzr 600
Thanks man. I'll check it out later and see. Hopefully nothing is broken.