Working with a nearly entirely stock '98 FZR600.
I had the valves done two summers ago before a 18,000 mile ride that summer. So that plus the ~8,000 I've put on it since has me wondering if it's about time for another valve job.
Yes? No?
Overall she runs like a dream for what she's been thru, but I have noticed that when she gets hot she starts to make something of a soft knocking. Not actual knocking, I don't think. (she'll do that if I start her soon after a hot shutdown)
That and there is a little bit of chatter from the clutch, yet no slippage.
So what do you guys think: valve job and clutch while I'm at it, or am I over reacting and make it thru the summer.
I hope to do the work myself, with the help of some other motor buds, beer, and some lawn chairs.
I read up on the wiki, and flipped thru the factory manual, and it seems like these are relatively straight forward jobs.