Well this is my son sitting on Lola, just so you know what she looks like when she isnt naked

Got the first filter off

The tank and filters removed

EVERYTHING was going so smooth until I met these guys.... I had no idea how to disconnect them from the carbs

So refusing to show my father in law by bike with it sounding like its choking to death..... I was forced to improvise.

With almost all the hoses and cords still attached moving this thing around was a PAIN. I was spilling fuel everywhere because I didnt think about turning off the fuel and running the bowls empty. So now almost everything is clean except for the jets and im waiting for my wife to get home so I can have some fishing line to finish it all up and re assemble. This is where im at now.

Ill be hopefully doing a test ride around midnight to see if it helps it any. If it still doesn't run right at least I can say I did the absolute best I could haha. Ill post up an update probably tomorrow morning[ish] letting you all know if it was a success or if my bike is currently a pile of ash. Oh and this is also my first post so if I have done anything wrong please let me know, hopefully this is all in order and straight.