Spring comes and no start!
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Spring comes and no start!
Here is the story. My 96 FZR600 sat outside covered all winter...I would start it every few days or so and ride it when warm enough. Then about a month ago it would only start sometimes. It wouldn't crank at all, I would push the starter button and nothing. However the red oil light would come on until i let go of the button again. Then randomly it would fire up. Now I push the starter a million times and just the oil light comes on.
So I figure i cannot be the connection at the button since the red light comes on. I checked the fuses, seem to be fine...when I unplug the starter relay from the kill switch relay (next to the turn signal relay) and plug it back in it clicks...the run/off button clicks. The starter relay part itself next to the battery looks pretty haggard and corroded...not sure if something there could be causing the no start? Any insight would be great....it's so nice out Im losing it!

- ragedigital
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Don't mean to simplify things too much, but it sounds like dead battery. Have you checked the water level in it?
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
My exact thoughts as well, take it down to Advance Auto/Autozone they will test it for free.ragedigital wrote:Don't mean to simplify things too much, but it sounds like dead battery. Have you checked the water level in it?
1996 Fzr 600
D&D Pipe
K&N Filter
Jetted Carbs
520 Sproket Conversion
Yes it moves well for a 600cc
D&D Pipe
K&N Filter
Jetted Carbs
520 Sproket Conversion
Yes it moves well for a 600cc
Re: Spring comes and no start!
just don't let em hook your battery up to their charger , i made that mistake once , when i came back in my battery was so hot it was melting the laminate on the counter top ....needless to say it didn't work after that .
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Yea those fast chargers are to much for these little plated batterys. Did they give you a new one for there mistake?Dr Rockso wrote:just don't let em hook your battery up to their charger , i made that mistake once , when i came back in my battery was so hot it was melting the laminate on the counter top ....needless to say it didn't work after that .
1996 Fzr 600
D&D Pipe
K&N Filter
Jetted Carbs
520 Sproket Conversion
Yes it moves well for a 600cc
D&D Pipe
K&N Filter
Jetted Carbs
520 Sproket Conversion
Yes it moves well for a 600cc
Re: Spring comes and no start!
If you have corroded electrical contacts they need to be clean. Corrosion addes impedences to the circuit. If your battery checks good I would consider the run/stop switch as a potential culpurit for your symptoms. The contacts corrode there as well and thereby don't allow the circuit to be completed or completed intermittantly. Another suggestion might be the side stand kill switch these have been known to give us grief as well.
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
I would take and check the starter solenoid which is next to the battery. test both sides of the big wores. One should have power all teh time and the other should just recieve power when you push the start switch. If it doesnt get power when you push the switch then your solenoid could be bad. but also there should be a small wire going to it that will also give it power when you push the start button. If it does have power on the small wire but not on the big wire then you need a new soleniod.
Re: Spring comes and no start!
I tried checking the solenoid...I think...it's that big lump with 3 wires next to the battery? I put a voltmeter on the positive and negative wires and it showed 12ish volts. When I did this and pushed the start button the volts jumped a little for a sec. I then put the positive voltmeter on the little wire and negative to battery and it read 12...I am electrically retarded and have no idea if I am doing it right. I assume that the off/run switch isn't the culprit because when I push it to run I hear the relay or whatever clicking. Side-stand sensor maybe? It's gotta be something so simple just don't know what..? 

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Re: Spring comes and no start!
It sounds like you may have done it right except the first part. You will need to take and put the ground on the battery at all times. Then take the positive of the meter and test each side of the soleniod. One side will show 12volt at all times and the other will only show 12volt when you push the start switch. If it does show 12volt on both sides then it may be your starter bad becasue the soleniod suplies power to the starter. But if it doesnt show power then it may be your soleniod as long as teh small wire gets 12volt when you push the start switch also. But the soleniod is normally mounted on teh side of the battery box. It will have a wire that runs straight to the battery.
Re: Spring comes and no start!
First off thanks for the advice. Heres what I did: connected the negative from the meter to negative post of battery then tested positive wire on the solenoid and it shows around 12v all the time(but isn't this just the reading from the battery?) then I connected it to the other big wire and it doesn't show any reading even when I push the starter. Then I touched the positive to the small wire and shows 12v at all times. Whattaya make of this? thanks! 

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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Sounds like a bad starter relay.
Re: Spring comes and no start!
Seems like it huh? Would that be consistent with the intermittent start I experienced at first? The connections are corroded super bad, should I try to clean them up and see if that does the trick? A new one is $57 from powersportspro
Thanks again!

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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Since it doesnt show power on teh other big post then it sounds like you soleniod is bad. I just had to replace mine just the other day thats how i know abou it. If you want you can take a piece of wire about the same size as the wires on the soleniod and put one one one post and just touch it to the other post and if the motor turns over then your solenoid is bad. But do not hold the wire there to long because it will get hot. Just pretty much arc it across it to see if the motor turns over
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Yes that would cause the intermittent starting problem and you could try to clean them off first also
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Re: Spring comes and no start!
Use a heavy screwdriver to connect the two big posts, that should engage the starter. This will prove wether the starter works or not and if the relay is working or not. I just ordered a relay for mine as i have the same issue, among other things.