FZR 600 Ignition Problem

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FZR 600 Ignition Problem

Post by manther09 »

I have been keeping the new battery on a tender whenever I am not trying to fix this bike. I have tested the starter, put in a new VR, and solenoid relay. I thought I had the solenoid hooked up correctly, but now I am not sure. When it is hooked up one way the oil light stays on, and I get no voltage to the starter. The other way I hook it up, the oil light stays off, until I try to start it. I can pop-start the bike and it runs. The charging system is not working, because the battery reads at 12v and when you rev it the voltage drops to 6-8v. That may just be because of the ignition problem, or the stator may be bad. When I am riding the bike after pop starting, the oil light would stay on unless I am in gear. But i am not sure if the solenoid is hooked up correctly. I should start there but I try hooking it up both ways and still does not start. The fuel pump relay, next to the blinker relay clicks until when I switch the bike to run, and the fuel pump primes when I hold the start button. This is my first bike and everything I posted is from reading and asking other people who know more..I've searched the forums and found problems like mine but not the same issue. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it. How should the starter relay be hooked up?

Positive of battery to the side of the relay with the blue wire? or the side without the blue wire?
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Re: FZR 600 Ignition Problem

Post by manther09 »

Just put it back together, pop started it, voltage is moving around between 12-14v at idle, it drops to 10 when I rev it, when I disconected the VR the voltage in the battery began dropping, as soon as I connected it again the voltage began to rise. still won't start, oil light stays on whether the bike on or off unless it is in gear.
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