Thanks for stopping in!!
SO my bike is doing that stupid overheating issuse that seems to be very common. So i replaced the thermastat and the thermastats housing and wiring.
Filled it up with water to test and the damn things is still overheating.
What i did was i just keep it in 1st gear and babyed it around my driveway just looping and looping. I didnt go any higher then 3 rpms in frist.
so after about 15-25 mins it was at the red but when i come to a stand still cluch in, it drop to around middle or lil higher. but when it moves it jumps up to the red and sometime passed the red and then go back to the white right before the red. so idk wtf it is or if im doing something wroung.
I dont belive the fan is running at lest i dont hear it. but would just the fan no working allow the bike to over heat after about 25 mins?
If you guys need any more info or pics for what ever reason ill be check back every night so this will be an active.
Also anyone who can help me fig it out ill hit u with a donation

Hope i dont keep