Widest tire to fit swingarm?

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racing geek
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Widest tire to fit swingarm?

Post by racing geek »

I've got the steel version of the delta box style swingarm and was wondering what the widest 18" tire is that would fit in that swingarm. I've read all all kinds of stuff about only going as wide as a 150 on the stock wheel but what is the limit of the stock swingarm when using an 18" wheel?
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Re: Widest tire to fit swingarm?

Post by ragedigital »

The problem usually isn't the swingarm, but the brake arm. Had a 150 on the rear and it was almost touching the brake arm. Some others have fit a 160 successfully, but I can't remember the brand.

The issue with an 18" rim is that there is a very limited selection - not a very popular height - 17" is the standard.
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Re: Widest tire to fit swingarm?

Post by racing geek »

My brake arm is custom and clears the 18" wheel and any tire without any issue. I understand 17" is the way to go for the largest tire selection but I am set on using an 18" spoke wheel for my build and the only FZR part I'm using is the swingarm and rear axle.

So if you remove the brake arm a 160/60/18 will fit but just barely? Sounds good! :cheers:
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