Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

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Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by nortstudio »

Hey folks. In preparation for the tail mods I have been doing, I moved the VR under the passenger seat - plate and all is now bolted to the plastic fender (where the stock tool set would have gone). When I did the VR mod, and it was still on the side of the bike in the VR stock location, I had run the black (negative) wire, as well as the wire coming from the harness to the bolt that attached the plate to the subframe.

Now that I have moved the VR and plate, I am wondering if I should still have both of these wires bolted to the plate - and possibly another wire running to the main bike/engine ground, or should I have them both just go back to the location that they were attached to on the side of the bike?

Any advice is much appreciated. is a blog about wrenching on bikes in Brooklyn.

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Re: Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by DonTZ125 »

Don't worry about the plate; the 6-pin body isn't grounded (IIRC). Run a 12ga wire from the VRR ground pin to the engine ground bolt - follow the black cable down from the battery if you aren't sure where it is.
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Re: Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by zero9243 »

good answer :-D
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Re: Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by nortstudio »

Makes sense to run directly to the main ground. I just need clarification on the other wire.

When I first did the mod, I bolt 2 wires to the plate/frame for ground. One came from the negative post on the VR, the other is a black wire coming from the harness.

If the negative wire should now go back down te bike to the main ground, what do I do with the black wire that comes from the harness?

Thanks for your patience. is a blog about wrenching on bikes in Brooklyn.

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Re: Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by DonTZ125 »

Just tape it off. It really is just a ground wire, and nothing bad happens by leaving it disconnected, but you do want to protect it from accidental contact with a loose 'hot' wire.
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Re: Moving the R6 VR swap - quick ground question

Post by nortstudio »

Great. Thanks. is a blog about wrenching on bikes in Brooklyn.

1993 FZR 600. A work in progress...
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