Now my bike has been dry stored since early '06 and I think it has done for the clutch. There is play at the lever but all of the clutch action occurs in the last 5-10mm of lever movement - not good in my books, maybe even partially seized??? Once warmed up the bike is a complete pain in the ass to pull away smoothly.
I have bought a new genuine yammy cable and am going to source a set of EBC clutch plates. On my FZR250 I changed the clutch with the bike on the sidestand and without draining the engine oil - can the same be done with the 600??
On the FZR250 the clutch arm is on top of the gearbox and is very easy to change the cable and adjust. On the 600 it looks like the clutch cable goes into the sprocket cover casing is there means to adjust it in there? Any tips to make the job easier

Cheapest I could find a clutch plates set is here ... 700cc&pg=2 £41.02 inc P&P. Any deals anywhere else?
Thanks in advance