rotors with an lipped edge?

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rotors with an lipped edge?

Post by smokinbunta »

Awhile ago i noticed that my rotors front n back have this lip on the most outter edge, is that normal? i checked my roommates R6 and that doesnt have it. but i have no idea thats normal or if something is off?
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Re: rotors with an lipped edge?

Post by DonTZ125 »

The lip is caused by the normal wear of the rotor. If the swept path of the pad is inside the OD of the rotor, then some small part of the rotor doesn't get worn down. This really isn't a problem; if your pads aren't rubbing on the buttons, it means you've got a full pad bite. The only time this gets annoying is when you try to remove the wheel and/or calipers, and you have to pry the pads open to release the disk! :swear
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Re: rotors with an lipped edge?

Post by smokinbunta »

DonTZ125 wrote:The lip is caused by the normal wear of the rotor. If the swept path of the pad is inside the OD of the rotor, then some small part of the rotor doesn't get worn down. This really isn't a problem; if your pads aren't rubbing on the buttons, it means you've got a full pad bite. The only time this gets annoying is when you try to remove the wheel and/or calipers, and you have to pry the pads open to release the disk! :swear

ok cool. and its not THAT bad.. where i have to pry the pads open to get the wheel off. but it does hang alittle in there..
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