Alrighty, I have a few simple questions to ask everyone
First off I've been riding for about 2 weeks with a messed up rear sprocket, in other words the teeth are about to pop off so I need a new chain/sprocket kit. Lookin to do the 14/47 520 conversion, but what brand should I get?
Also I've been looking at new helmets, anyone have any experience with the Hjc Rps-10? Looks like a slick deal for the price an all.
Thats it, Thanks guys
1992 Fzr 600 - Airtech Tail, K&N Twin Filters, Aftermarket Chopped Exhaust, Custom Blinkers (Lol)
CRG Bar End Mirror, R6 Front MC and Calipers
Soon To Come (aka wish-list) R6 Front Forks, YZF Rear Swingarm, Factory Pro Shift Kit, Stage 3 Jet Kit, and New Emulsion Tubes
Go with a 15/50. It'll last longer. You can thank me later.
I wasn't a huge fan of my hjc but to each his own. People have liked the exo 400 from scorpion I believe. No experience with the specific hjc you are asking about though.
I can't stand HJC helmets for the majority. All of the ones i've tried on make me feel like my chin is sticking out past the bottom of the helmet. The exo-400 helmet has got to be the best bang for the buck, tons of different styles and usually around $70. Some people say it's a tad heavy but it doesn't bother me at all and it can't be much heavier than the hjc.
Barnett Clutch------------------------------------------R6 Blue Dots, Front Master Brake Cylinder+Reservoir
WP Adjustable Rear Shock----------------------------Vortex 520 Conversion with RK GB520GXW Chain
V&H Header (4-1)--------------------------------------Swingarm Spool Mounts
Cobra F1r Exhaust Can--------------------------------R6 Voltage Regulator
Flo-Commander with Remote-------------------------Custom Airtech Passenger Seat
Stage 7 Jet kit with Diffuser Caps--------------------Factory Pro Nickel Emulsion Tubes
Wiseco 630 Kit------------------------------------------Custom Frame Slider Mounts
Modking Hydraulic Clutch Kit--------------------------Hella Projection Headlight with Xentec HID Kit (H9 Bulb)
Modking Aluminum Radiator Overflow Bottle--------
I actually have two exo-400s . They're okay just a bit heavy for me. My roomate has a shoei and i hate the way they fit, so i was thinking the rps-10 or an arai. Anyhow, i do the daily commute but i enjoy a lot of spirited riding/racing. No track days yet though. So I talked to the guy at one of my local bike shops and he said doing the 15/50 will only make the life of the chain/sprockets shorter. So i dont know, maybe i should stick with the stock 530... Hmm
1992 Fzr 600 - Airtech Tail, K&N Twin Filters, Aftermarket Chopped Exhaust, Custom Blinkers (Lol)
CRG Bar End Mirror, R6 Front MC and Calipers
Soon To Come (aka wish-list) R6 Front Forks, YZF Rear Swingarm, Factory Pro Shift Kit, Stage 3 Jet Kit, and New Emulsion Tubes
I also had a quick question about my DR125 dirtbike, i figured id ask here as opposed to joining another forum. The rear tire seems to roll high and low, not wobble, it rolls straight. But when youre riding it you kinda go up and down. New chain and everything so maybe the hub/bearings? Id appreciate any advice, not to take away from my main topic though ha ha.
1992 Fzr 600 - Airtech Tail, K&N Twin Filters, Aftermarket Chopped Exhaust, Custom Blinkers (Lol)
CRG Bar End Mirror, R6 Front MC and Calipers
Soon To Come (aka wish-list) R6 Front Forks, YZF Rear Swingarm, Factory Pro Shift Kit, Stage 3 Jet Kit, and New Emulsion Tubes