I was kindly given this clear explanation of how to bench sync my carbs on my fzr600 by DonTZ125..
Bench-synching the carbs - you want to use the smallest possible drill bit; 1/2" shanks won't work! Some guys use piano wire or safety wire. I believe the #2 carb is the 'master' - slip the wire in there, and adjust the idle until it JUST slips out, like a feeler gauge. At this point you repeat the process with the #1 carb, using the sync screw between them. Move on to #3 and then #4.
The thing is when i am turning my tickover adjuster in, the butterflies are only opening a smidge.. not even enough to get a largish sewing needle in.. the tickover adjuster wont go any further because the spring over the screw is fully compressed...
your supposed to be able to do this with a small drill bit arn't you..???

I could take off the tickover adjuster extension, remove the spring and then wind the adjuster screw by hand..
no-one mentioned doing that tho, so i thought i would check..,
cheers chaps,