Need help asap to ride

FZR600 Forum

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Re: Need help asap to ride

Post by Markie »

Oh onkay, and yes i did. Thank you guys for the help, shes back too running. DonTZ, Idk if you know this one but my bike charges good when put on a trickle charger and holds the charge good but some times(even when on the road) it dies out. Not the stator either. Coils maybe? Just thought i'd run it by you see what you think
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Re: Need help asap to ride

Post by DonTZ125 »

If your stator produces power and your battery holds a charge, then the next most likely culprit is the VRR failing low, and not passing the power from the stator to the system. Your bike is basically running total-loss, as though it had no stator.

This is not quite as annoying as the VRR failing high, and not nearly as expensive - you don't need to worry about replacing half the wiring, connectors, bulbs, and electronics in your harness! The solution is to replace the VRR; the hot tip is to upgrade to a new(er) 5- or 6-pin design from a YZF600, late model FZR600, or R6 (easily and cheaply available on EBay).

Shameless plug - I'm now producing an adaptor harness to make switching from the OEM 4-pin VRR to the improved 6-pin VRR relatively painless... :deal:
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Re: Need help asap to ride

Post by Markie »

Where is that located how do i test ect?
Posts: 2214
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:20 pm
Location: Scarberia, ON

Re: Need help asap to ride

Post by DonTZ125 »

Measure the voltage across the battery terminals at 5k rpm. If the reading is <14.3 vdc, it's undercharging; if it's > 15.3 vdc, it's overcharging and probably damaging other components.

Undercharging is either the stator or the VRR. Unplug the connector from the stator with 3 white wires, and (engine off) measure the resistance between the 3 pair combinations - 1&2, 2&3, 1&3. The resistance should be 0.31-0.37 ohms. Start the engine, and measure AC voltage at 5000 rpm; it should be 30-50vac.

If the stator's good, it's the VRR failed low. The VRR is behind the left tail panel: ... sion_4.jpg
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