bike wont start

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bike wont start

Post by soldierofone612 »

so my bike died the other day have a 1990 fzr 600 the fluid in the battary was almost empty not sure what would cause that but i filled the battery and charged it and tryed to start it again and nothing all the lights come on i can hear the fuel pump and when i push the starter button the oil light comes on and all i hear is a loud click from around the ignition box area have no idea what is wrong with it any ideas would be greatly appreciated
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Re: bike wont start

Post by DonTZ125 »

Your voltage regulator has likely died, and fried your battery in the process. The clicking is your starter solenoid trying to dump power to your starter motor, but you have no charge in the battery. The fact that your solenoid, lights and pump come on is a good sign; it means your various electronic modules aren't completely melted, but there could still be some damage internally.

Charge the battery and try an electric start, or push-start the bike, see if it lights (a completely flat battery may or may not allow a start; the coils are fairly power-hungry). Do NOT attempt to ride the bike for any length of time until the reason for the failure is identified and sorted - a fried VRR will quite cheerfully dump 18+ volts into a system designed for 12-14v, killing every lamp, bulb, diode, and transistor in your harness, not to mention various connectors.
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Re: bike wont start

Post by soldierofone612 »

thanks i will have to check that when it stops raining lol
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Re: bike wont start

Post by DonTZ125 »

Good luck. The other option is to boost the bike - the 'donor' vehicle MUST be off! Depending on the type and rating of the donor alternator and regulator, it could melt your (presumably already damaged) VRR, possibly even starting a fire.

A 12v battery is a 12v battery - same same. A 1500W truck alternator putting out over 100A at 14.5 volts will slag your starter in VERY short order. banghead
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Re: bike wont start

Post by soldierofone612 »

took the wire harness out of the VR and the thing was melted around the wires previous owner had electrical tape around the harness for some reason my dad has a seca 2 would the vr from that work to check if the vr is the problem
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Location: Scarberia, ON

Re: bike wont start

Post by DonTZ125 »

I THINK your dad's VRR will plug directly into your harness, but you might want to check a wiring diagram - the lower right pin (facing the vrr connector) should be the red wire.

The thing to be concerned about is whether your harness is so fried up that the VRR isn't properly connecting to the battery!
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