Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

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Re: Valve Adjustment shim size help.

Post by yamaha_george »

jax wrote:
yamaha_george wrote:Jax,
If your head hurts try this one:-

I tried that one but I guess it doesnt like firefox as the new shim sizes wouldnt populate.

I actually made my own shim calculator using excel. I just used .15 and .25 as the sizes I want to get to. Subtracted my measured from the current shim sizes that I have and got my new shim sizes.

I can swap some shims around from cylinder to cylinder. Going up or down +- .001 shouldnt hurt since I will still be within spec because I calculated the mid range.

Found a place on ebay that sells the shims for $4 a piece but I still have to buy 12 of them. Not bad considering my local shops want $8 plus tax.
So where is the link already? J/K
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Re: Valve Adjustment shim size help.

Post by jax »

I can send it to whoever needs it.

I should get my shims this coming week and start wrenching the next weekend. Now I have to make one of those syncro contraptions with the tubes and stuff.
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Re: Valve Adjustment shim size help.

Post by yamaha_george »

jax wrote:I can send it to whoever needs it.

I should get my shims this coming week and start wrenching the next weekend. Now I have to make one of those syncro contraptions with the tubes and stuff.
send me the file direct and i can either put it on the board or host myself or both so it can be accessed from the WIKI make sure you put your name in it so we all know who to say thanks to when it is used.

email is george at saltmine dot org dot uk

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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

OK guys. Finally got around to doing my valve adjustment. All went good except for when I put it back together. The Exhaust cam doesnt seem to want to line up correctly with the dots.

I am set perfect on the intake because I am lined up with the crankcase split mark and I took the #1 spark plug off and put a thin screwdriver inside the hole. If I move the crank either way the piston will go down.

It seems the exhaust cam is off by like 1/2 link on the chain. If I move it one link over it is off by too much.

Here is a pic of the intake cam. Sorry about the blurriness but the dots are lined up perfect.


And here is a pic of the exhaust cam. Its off to the right just a bit. I can get it to line up if I move it one over but the cam will not sit correctly on the bearings. Its almost like I have to use the bearing caps to force it in. Thats why I havent tried it that way. Dont want to break anything. Any ideas?

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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by yamaha_george »

You may need to use the SEARCH engine on this BUT I seem to remember another member having the self same problem and it had some thing to do with using the WRONG spots/marks ,
sorry old age effects the memory
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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

yamaha_george wrote:Hi,
You may need to use the SEARCH engine on this BUT I seem to remember another member having the self same problem and it had some thing to do with using the WRONG spots/marks ,
sorry old age effects the memory

I remember that one too. The guy was using the big holes in the cam and not the dots on top.

We went ahead and fired up the bike last night like it sits with the exhaust cam just forward of the timing mark. It runs like poo. Backfires at higher RPM's and just doesnt idle right.

I took the valve cover back off to check and it is still like that ( cam sitting just forward of timing mark. )
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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by kilika2 »

This may be a dumb question. But I've found sometimes dumb helps. Two things did you try rolling the chain a few times to get to another spot. Maybe you have a little kink in the chain right there. And you double checked that that is the exhaust cam? Just making sure. I'm about to be right where you are. Engine assay today. I look forward to this moment. lol

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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

kilika2 wrote:This may be a dumb question. But I've found sometimes dumb helps. Two things did you try rolling the chain a few times to get to another spot. Maybe you have a little kink in the chain right there. And you double checked that that is the exhaust cam? Just making sure. I'm about to be right where you are. Engine assay today. I look forward to this moment. lol


Yeah, its the exhaust that is out of timing by a link. When the crank mark is at TDC the intake is cam is lined up perfectly and the piston is at TDC. Movement clockwise makes the piston do down, I confirmed it with a small screwdriver in the spark plug hole.

Now, if I roll back the cam by 1 tooth it will line up the exhaust cam but it feels to me like it doesn't want to go in without being pushed down by the bearing caps. . Im afraid that if I attempt it , the cam or bearing cap may break.
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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

DonTZ125 wrote:Ah-hah! I *knew* I'd read this somewhere before... ... t&p=427828

I read that too. My problem still remains about the cam not sitting correctly in the saddles ( what is corrct term? ) when you put it in the head where it lines up. It feels as if you have to use the bearing caps to drive it home.
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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

alright guys. looks like i finally got it right. I moved the exhaust cam 1 tooth back to get it lined up. I then set the bearing caps down and drove it in with equal pressure on all points slowly just to make sure. It's all lined up now. Timing mark pic looks off a bit but thats the camera angle. Thanks to all for the help. I measured my valves clearances again and they are on the loose side but in spec. I should be good to go now for a while. Just need to do a sync on my carbs ( I bought a set of mercury balancers )and its off to ride after that.


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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by reelrazor »

Ima just throw this in here, since it is pertinent to the thread....

If you have an ignition advance key (offset flywheel key), to properly line up the cams you need to remove the flywheel, remove the advance key, install the stock one, and then time the cams...

The advance key is just enough to put both cams one tooth off from the crank


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Re: Valve Adjustment help! Exhaust cam doesnt line up correctly.

Post by jax »

Thanks. I didnt know that about the ignition advancer. I don't have one but maybe rlater if i decide to get that, I will remember it.

On another note. I was able to sync the carbs to where they were all in the same bar on the backside of the sync tool. Not perfect but good enough to pass.

Time to go ride now.
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Re: Valve Adjustment shim size help.

Post by jax »

yamaha_george wrote:
jax wrote:I can send it to whoever needs it.

I should get my shims this coming week and start wrenching the next weekend. Now I have to make one of those syncro contraptions with the tubes and stuff.
send me the file direct and i can either put it on the board or host myself or both so it can be accessed from the WIKI make sure you put your name in it so we all know who to say thanks to when it is used.

email is george at saltmine dot org dot uk


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