Need Help!!! electrics & CARBS

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Need Help!!! electrics & CARBS

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

Hey guys! Just got my first bike WOOT! Picked up a 1994 Yamaha FZR 600 for $900. There are 2 problems it has though. Im new to the two wheeled world so I was hoping you guys could help me out. 1) all electrical has stopped working (the bike does start), I've been told it could be wiring harness, a fuse, a short, basically I have to go through and check everything right?
2) it will only run on full choke. For this I have been told to clean/rebuild the carbs, or it could also be the fuel pump/filter. Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks in advance for helping me out.
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ng86 »

Im somewhat new as well, but so far in my experience when electrical stops working that is exactly what i would do, go through the harness, check the fuses battery connection, battery itself etc. When you say all electrical do you mean nothing at all? No lights or anything?

When i first got mine the first thing i did was go through it and just replace the fuel filter, spark plugs, oil change, new cablesand all that, pretty much all the basics ya know. Maybe once you get the electrical going again try doing a few of these simple things as they may work and prove effective. Fuel filters are very easy to come by and are very cheap. Definitely take a look at the carbs as well.

Im sure all these other guys on here can tell you in much more detail how to go about troubleshooting but i hope this will help you out a bit and get you on the road!
Good Luck!
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

I thought it was all electrical, here is the post from C.L. which says that its just the tach and turn signals.

P.s. thanks for the help
Last edited by ThrottleJunkie on Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ng86 »

ThrottleJunkie wrote:I thought it was all electrical, here is the post from C.L. which says that its just the rach and turn signals.

P.s. thanks for the help
Sorry i misread your first post, didnt realize the bike does start haha. Did you mean to post the craigslist link?
1992 Fzr 600 - Airtech Tail, K&N Twin Filters, Aftermarket Chopped Exhaust, Custom Blinkers (Lol)
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ragedigital »

ThrottleJunkie wrote:it will only run on full choke. For this I have been told to clean/rebuild the carbs, or it could also be the fuel pump/filter. Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks in advance for helping me out.
If you can get it to run, then grab a can of SeaFoam from your local automotive store or Wal-Mart. That should certainly help.

ThrottleJunkie wrote:all electrical has stopped working (the bike does start), I've been told it could be wiring harness, a fuse, a short, basically I have to go through and check everything right?
Start with the fuses since they're the easier and should be the first items to go. If you have a fuse that keeps blowing after replacing, then you probably have a short.

Your model also had a poorly designed Voltage Regulator. You will certainly want to look at getting it replaced with an updated VR. ( ... conversion)
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

ng86 wrote:
ThrottleJunkie wrote:I thought it was all electrical, here is the post from C.L. which says that its just the rach and turn signals.

P.s. thanks for the help
Sorry i misread your first post, didnt realize the bike does start haha. Did you mean to post the craigslist link?
Ya I meant to but he has already deleted it off of CL so...
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

ragedigital wrote:
ThrottleJunkie wrote:it will only run on full choke. For this I have been told to clean/rebuild the carbs, or it could also be the fuel pump/filter. Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks in advance for helping me out.
If you can get it to run, then grab a can of SeaFoam from your local automotive store or Wal-Mart. That should certainly help.

ThrottleJunkie wrote:all electrical has stopped working (the bike does start), I've been told it could be wiring harness, a fuse, a short, basically I have to go through and check everything right?
Start with the fuses since they're the easier and should be the first items to go. If you have a fuse that keeps blowing after replacing, then you probably have a short.

Your model also had a poorly designed Voltage Regulator. You will certainly want to look at getting it replaced with an updated VR. ( ... conversion)
Thanks for that really good info. Glad I found a form that has some good people.
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

ragedigital wrote:
ThrottleJunkie wrote:it will only run on full choke. For this I have been told to clean/rebuild the carbs, or it could also be the fuel pump/filter. Does this sound right to you guys? Thanks in advance for helping me out.
If you can get it to run, then grab a can of SeaFoam from your local automotive store or Wal-Mart. That should certainly help.

ThrottleJunkie wrote:all electrical has stopped working (the bike does start), I've been told it could be wiring harness, a fuse, a short, basically I have to go through and check everything right?
Start with the fuses since they're the easier and should be the first items to go. If you have a fuse that keeps blowing after replacing, then you probably have a short.

Your model also had a poorly designed Voltage Regulator. You will certainly want to look at getting it replaced with an updated VR. ( ... conversion)
Where would bethe best place to get a VR?
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Re: Need Help!!!

Post by DonTZ125 »

Part-outs & for sale listings here & on the Archives, plus Ebay. You want an R1/R6/YZF600 5-pin or 6-pin VRR.
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Re: Need Help!!! electrics & CARBS

Post by ThrottleJunkie »

Ok guys so now i am looking at getting a rebuild kit for the quad 32mm carbs and also looking at getting a jet kit (maybe a dynot one?). any ideas guys?

Also where would be the best place to buy a fuel pump? Would a 4 pin VRR work?

thanks for the help guys.
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Re: Need Help!!! electrics & CARBS

Post by DonTZ125 »

The whole point behind the exercise is to get away from the 4-pin VRR - they are old, they fail, and they kill your electrical system when they go.
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