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Starter motor removal. YZF750R

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:58 am
by Fastfred94
Manual says the starter motor can be removed without removing the engine. Tests indicate the motor has failed. It will rotate when not in contact with the engine but will not rotate the engine when in place.

I have removed the two 10mm bolts and released the motor which hits hard against the frame. Does the alternator have to be removed before the starter is free?


Re: Starter motor removal. YZF750R

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:14 pm
by Fastfred94
So again, nobody knows nuthin!

I might have more responses from The Flower Arranging Club web site?

Re: Starter motor removal. YZF750R

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:46 pm
by DonTZ125
You might also try at the Virago riders site - makes as much sense as asking at *FZR*Online about a *YZF* ...

At the risk of rewarding bad behavior, head over to the EXUP Brotherhood site - they're mostly 750s and 1ks over there.

Re: Starter motor removal. YZF750R

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:04 pm
by Fastfred94
I have already tried that site Don. Did not produce.

I just thought that some Yamaha enthusiast on here just might know the answer. Not such a dumb thing to do I don't think, and not considered "Bad behavior" by me. Just good old "British humour". Sorry you didn't read it as such, nothing nasty was intended. And maybe some folk on here might be fortunate to own both YZF and FZ's. Thanks for you input.

Fred (YZF and FZ owner)

I found the answer. Thanks...