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Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:05 am
by willandrip
A pair of 3EN2 400 false air pipe covers are required (EN2 only-no others fit)
And the lost cause is:
A RIGHT hand false air pipe cover for an 89 600 3HE,it is a real queer shape and totally different to all others (looks like a lacrosse racket if you know what one of them is !!!!) white would be a miracle.
Part no 3EN-835V-00
The other side is easy got.
PART NOW SOURCED+THANKS TO SOUTHEND CHRIS;who put in much work on this which is most appreciated.
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:33 am
by willandrip
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:11 pm
by SouthendChris
I saw this on ebay and the part number seemed to close to ignore........
I have bought a part from this seller. I paid the 3 quid extra for better postage. Bought on a Thursday and it was here the next Wednesday.
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:20 pm
by willandrip
Thanks for the link Chris; unfortunately that is the other side one of which I have a tea chest full,(easy sourced).
It is the 3EN2 false air pipe covers that are causing the most grief +both "I dropped it" (Ozzy) and I are searching for a pair
He watches the Southern Hemisphere and I the Northern half of the planet;that is how scarce they are !!
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:17 am
by Evilchicken0 ... 1c2d7d3604
a pair of 3HE type, I don't think they're quite the same as the 400 but you could either shape them or leave the dummy intakes off the bike, fill in the hole with a pair of indicators.
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:56 pm
by SouthendChris
I reckon you might just owe me a pint of alcoholic bevarage
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:49 pm
by Clanky
This place could have a new original part in the right colour, not cheap but not too extortionate either if its what you really need. ... /G-05.html
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:07 am
by willandrip
Cheers Chris and Clanky,
I sometimes use CMS but p+p is crippling from Holland ??.
3EN-2835-V-00-20 white is £50.80 + 20% from Yamaha Europe via any UK dealer=takes 10 days.
Now I get 20% discount, but cannot warrant that for a spare trim.
Plus one brand new and one used will stick out like the preverbial, when white is involved, and I absolutely refuse to "age" a £51 panel.
Thanks for all of everyones help;
Hopefully someone will be busting a good used bike and I can source from that=The black pair cost £22 with the flush indicators included and the man stripped and listed them at my request.
(tried to add the 2x Smileys having a beer but am inept)
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:19 pm
by SouthendChris
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:16 am
by willandrip
Thank you Chris,
Thats the one;
Just purchased;
Now gives the incentive to start on the spare nosecone for which it is intended.
You must do quite a bit on German Ebay!
Anyway I am indebted to you,thanks again . Bill.
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:31 am
by willandrip
This is exactly what I have done Boris=they came out very well.
They are very flexible for an old part,much more so than the originals or Fzr 1000 ones which are very brittle,
I think the material is different which is a tremendous help.
I had a pair in stock so used them even though the breaker in link is only a few miles away.
Thanks again.
Still looking for a pair of originals = "Idroppedit" needs a pair and is going to make some carbon fibre ones if he can get a pair to copy=he is in Oz.
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:07 am
by willandrip
Update on this;
The 3EN2 trims are no longer required="idroppedit" is going to use his bike for the track.
The German lad sent the wrong side 3HE 600 trim,so that has been returned and he will send the correct part.
Jesus,what a palaver for plastic trims!!
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:08 am
by SouthendChris
Yep, I hate being mucked about - but what can you do when the parts are discontinued.......
I need to find a japanese friend who can send me an FZR400RR tail piece
Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:22 am
by willandrip
The lad was genuine enough Chris;plus his English was way better than my German; he just did not realise which way up they go,and truthfully unless you had the fairing in front of you I think anyone would struggle as they look the opposite to what you would expect
Anyway he is sorting it; but Xmas (makes sign of cross to repel vampires) post will slow things considerably.
Thank you again for posting the link.
idroppedit sent a pm. saying he had changed plans so that seems to be the final piece....... except for the 2TK parts manual.

Re: Wanted 3EN2 false air pipe trims+ 6003HE
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:48 am
by SouthendChris
Mmmmm. Now I'm sure I saw a 2TK parts manual....on Yahoo Japan

You need a Japanese friend too......