build your own Dyno

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build your own Dyno

Post by yamaha_george »

Been a while since anything I read was WOW that is cool!!!! So now try this one:-

This guy wrote / built his own Dyno, TK you reading this ?
He sells the soft ware but another pal of mine who showed me this is writing the code via the free software foundation route so free program for all bike nuts LoL

This is what Nik wrote :-

OT: but my contribution.  ~850kg 1040 steel.  Final weight was around 460kg.


The disk groove has a car front brake caliper on it.  Big lever handle
which you can pull.  Useful for loading up the drum and stopping it in
any sort of emergency.  Better to be safe than sorry.

When that things spinning @ 3000rpm, it has more energy than you think.

Ive got a laser cut toothed wheel on one end, with an optical sensor
picking up its RPM.  The inertial mass of the drum is a known quantity,
and can calculate power and torque that way.
We are still fine tuning the bugs in it, but when its fully sorted, we
will be providing the via the FOSS method..  (Free Open Source Software).
The hardware is quite simple for it too.  I currently have a Teensy++
which is almost identical to the "arduino" family.  The dyno is
basically a USB device now.

If you want to see how all this works, look at