Bad Jacket Frank Thomas
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:56 am
so I have always used leathers, I am a firefighter so heat never bothered me in the summer. More and More of my friends where starting to wear textile jackets, so it got me interested. I went to my local cycle gear (very nice people) and bought my first textile. I wanted something not too expensive for my test. I bought a frank thomas xti jacket. waterproof with body armor, zip in liner and a couple of vents. Not too bad looking I thought. It was last winter when i got it, kept me pretty warm wearing layers under it. I was at a meeting and it started to rain I was feeling lucky to have my new warm jacket to keep me dry for the ride home. yep, you probably guessed it I got absolutely soaked. I don't think it even slowed the rain down. Next few days the weather started getting warmer so i unzipped the liner, it tore in two places where it buttons in around cuffs of the wrists. Needless to say since then it has not held up so well. A few more rips, seams starting to come undone, zippers always getting stuck on me. and just the wear at the joints. I am not very pleased. I will be buying a new textile jacket for my birthday (beginning of September) A Joe Rocket limited edition fall out. I am pretty excited, very different looking, It fits my personality. (Long hair, Handlebar mustache) I like Joe Rocket products, they are owned by HJC. good for the money. sure there is better, (more expensive). but they suit me just fine, and fit awesome on me at least. so I will do a full review then. later on my FZR brothers and sisters.