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What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:23 pm
by georgiemc
I tried to change the fork seals on my 88 FZR400 3EN1 - Turns out someone else has already tried to ''fix'' her before - When pulled apart it would appear that the outer casing is the same - however the internals (namely the spring and the spacer tube) are completely different lengths on either side.

Is this common practice? I have no idea which one is the original or which one is right? I can't even tell if they feel right because the cheap seals I put on it were a waste of time and just poured out the fresh oil I put in.

The caliper centres are 100mm and the stantion measures 38mm diameter if this helps? Are these even the forks for my wee Betsy?? Confused... Please help!! banghead I think the fact that the seals for the model didn't fit would lead me to think that the forks aren't the original ones?

This is my first bike and I'm determined to do as much work to her as I can.... even with 10 hairy bikers watching over my shoulder waiting for my girly fail!! lol

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:56 pm
by JasonRDfan
First thing you should do is get a book for your bike, it will tell you the length of the stock springs. They need to be the same length, they will compress at two different rates causing possible unsafe handling. I am not very familiar with the 400. I would buy two new springs from racetech. Their website will help determine what weight to get. A lot of people had problems with cheap Chinese eBay seals not working. I have never used them so I do not know. You can use PVC tube for spacers for the front forks.

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:02 pm
by georgiemc
I have searched high and low, contacted every dealer in Scotland, and Yamaha themselves. Because the 3EN1 was never intended for the European market, the only manuals available are in Japanese - ''apparently'' - If anyone has a manual for this bike I would pay you in sheckles of solid Gold for it!!! :(

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:20 pm
by JasonRDfan
Did you try eBay? I looked up (fzr 400 repair) I found a couple of factory service repair Manuels.

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:48 pm
by JasonRDfan
online manuel
and front spring length 16.2 inches 412 mm

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:31 pm
by georgiemc
Thanks much! Never been so excited to buy a CD in my life!! I would pay you in Solid Gold Sheckles... but I have given them to E-bay!! Im off to strip down the forks.... again....:S

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:04 am
by georgiemc
Some one mentioned that they might be anti-dive forks? hence the diffence in the length of springs and spacers? Anyone else heard of this??

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:56 am
by JasonRDfan
Anti-dive forks will typically have a brake line going to an assembly on the tube that when you apply the front brakes it will increase spring compression. Not likely on yours. Take a picture if you can so we can see.

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:26 am
by Camala_Pillion
take alook at Y-Geo fork page at:=

that will show you how to make fork tools and how the internals are put together.
Sorry to hear you learned the hard way that non OEM fork seals are mostly rubbish.

As for being a"girly" mechanic, it is nice to have company (mind you it does help to have a"Y-Geo" around to teach you not that he will help you physically LoL)

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:22 pm
by georgiemc
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have sent said cheap seals back and ordered some new OEM ones... cant wait... in the mean time, I have just found fuel in the oil. Having taken the carbs off and cleaned them, they seem to be sealing ok now - but..... the fuel tap is damaged?? Having looked at the scematics it turns out there should be a key to turn it on/off/res ... I can only buy the whole shebang at rather a few quid... dont suppose anyone has a spare one kicking about - Its got to be worth a tenner to someone?

In the mean time I will be changing the oil filter and oil? Having thoughts about flushing the engine... anyone have any experience of this and is it as bad as google makes it out to be?? banghead

Nice to know im not the only girl out there in this world of dirty hands and spanner rash!

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:17 pm
by tomsljr
I have two 400's, and the taps are broke on both of them. When the bike is off, fuel shouldn't get past the pump. If it gets past the pump, the floats should stop it. If the floats aren't stopping it you now have an issue. Next time you are in the carbs, check the float needles for wear. These are fairly cheap to replace.

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:54 pm
by georgiemc
Thanks, Fairly sure that it was just slightly out of alignment and with a wee jiggle of a screwdriver it seemed to put it back to the right point. I agree that this is a problem, I think I have solved it by adjusting them but wouldnt mind having the peace of mind. The other half has an '85 GSXR with a similar problem and turning off the fuel tap seems to solve it. I am just a pure panic merchant, the thought of my wee Betsy needing a new engine makes my heart sink!

What about the engine being flushed? Any opinions? I have no idea how long fuel has been in the oil as I only bought Betsy a few weeks ago. She has barely been ran by me, but raced by the previous owner.... :S

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:13 pm
by DonTZ125
Change the oil, change the filter. Ride it 50km, change the oil, change the filter. The engine is now flushed of ucky oil, and your crank bearings have fresh oil to keep them healthy and happy.

Oh, and there ARE guys out there who consider the smell of gasoline, motor oil, and mechanic's hand cleaner on a pretty girl to be an aphrodisiac. My wife married one ... :hyprocrite :whistle

Re: What the fork???

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:16 am
by georgiemc
I'll be struggling to ride it 50k ... still to do my test - I've jumped the gun somewhat and bought the bike first!! I can take it up and down the dirt track to the shed 100 times I suppose!! (I have no money to book it because I'm heamorhaging money left right and centre on wee Betsy!! )

I think my other half is sick to death of me being dressed like a bloke and covered from head to toe in oil - fishing bolts out of the washing machine filter and being more excited about schematics than he ever could be!! I will mention it to him though!!