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Replacement carbs? Newer models?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:02 pm
by tickledawson
Hi guys... (and girls)

Finally put my fzr400 on the dyno last night!!! (Top speed of 151MPH) made me... WOOT WOOT WOOT
But the guys confirmed I have bad fueling!!! I knew I had some issues in top gear (she just looses power, although she will keep going)

after looking at the graph etc they said Im running too rich, and I have bad fueling... may be the diaphrams or the sliders... rather than buying an old set of carbs does anyone know what carbs will fit straight on? not fussed about if I have to change the airfilters too, just want some newer carbs if anyone can help me out :D

FZR400 1WG GENESIS (1986) :tks:

Re: Replacement carbs? Newer models?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:16 am
by taggy
think you are unlikely to get modern carbsto fit without a lot of faffing, even from 400 to 400 each model seems to be different. a set of 600 fzr might fit but you have the same problem with age. If you know the diameter of the carb base and rubbers then you could try to get a set with the same, but it's also the distance from carb base to inlet (the depth of the rubber) and otherthings like jetting etc that cause problems as well!

Re: Replacement carbs? Newer models?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:31 pm
by SouthendChris
It could be that it has worn emulsion tubes, needles and jets.

You can source these from Allens performance they are Mikuni dealers.

When I got a set of float valve assemblies for a 350YPVS recently they were about 60% of the price of the same parts from Yamaha.

They may need to know what model carbs you have fitted and what year model Yammy you have too (1wg 3en 3tj or 4DX etc)


Re: Replacement carbs? Newer models?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:24 am
by RoadDogma
Not sure about the 3EN but the FZR400R(3TJ) received an "updated" carb. They look like FZR600 (3HE) carbs to me. You could go that route, but you are likely better-off re-building what you have, than buying another set that may have issues as well.

Re: Replacement carbs? Newer models?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:59 pm
by tomsljr
I have had good luck with FactoryPro carb parts for the FZR. This would just be for tubes, needles and jets. The best thing is to find a set of flat-sides, but they are pricey if you are lucky enough to find them. These guys sell them in the UK.