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Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:00 pm
by tickledawson
Washed my bike the other week and my indicators started going crazy, after a few days they were fine...
Then a few dry days later my all in one tail light started playing up so I bought a new one thinking that was my fault, turns out its exactly the same! So Im assuming a have a crossed wire/earth or some sort of connection issue. I have double checked all the wires TWICE... Still nothing...
Can't ride it anywhere at the moment as I have stripped it of panels/seat/rear lights etc as the panels are being resprayed. Any ideas/help on the issue would be highly appreciated as I need to fix it for the Southend ride
(I have a fzr400 1wg 1986 with a R6 5sl 2004 rear end and an all in one tail light/indicator)
When I say indicators are going crazy, I mean when I put the indicator on the tail light looks like a disco
Red yellow red yellow
Rather than red and yellow
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:02 am
by taggy
i'd start by disconnecting each connector (one by one mind) and giving it a blast of wd40, then check the main earth cable and the relay, did you need to put in an extra relay for the lights i fthey were led? def sounds like you have a cross over in power at some oint that's causing both to try and light. If you fitted it yourself, might be worth making sure all of the wire ends at the connectors are insulated and not able to touch.
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:58 am
by DonTZ125
Is this 2004 R6 All-in-one tail light LED-based, by any chance? The dash indicator light is cross-wired between the two circuits; when running 21W bulbs, it doesn't matter. When running fractional-watt LEDs, the current flow through the the 3W indicator lamp is enough to turn EVERYTHING on.
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:29 pm
by tickledawson
Had already tried both of them...
Still had nothing...
Although I checked the volts on the battery and it seemed fine... Plugged the charger onto the bike out of curiosity and they work... So what does that mean?
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:46 pm
by lawmer
tickledawson wrote:Had already tried both of them...
Still had nothing...
Although I checked the volts on the battery and it seemed fine... Plugged the charger onto the bike out of curiosity and they work... So what does that mean?
Since your in the Uk, i'm assuming you can switch the head & tail lamps off (I don't own a 400, nor do I have a wiring diagram for one).
If you can switch off the rear tail lamp, does it (the tail lamp) still flash when the indicators are switched on?
What happens when the indicators are on and the brake is applied (Brake lamp illuminated)?
Do you have an integrated tail lamp with LED's? Don asked the same question (I know why)
With normal bulbs (not sure with LED integrated units) the most likely fault is a poor ground, Trust me poor grounds cause weird and wonderful things to happen. That said I've never inspected a LED integrated unit for a poor ground, the one's I've seen are sealed units.
Don't take offence, but you need to be very clear on what you have/have not tried/tested.
Good luck.
My 2CO integrated unit worked fine then one day. When the left indicator was switched on the right indicator lit up slightly, I knew it was an MOT fail. I opened the sealed unit up (it was a struggle getting it open) a poor/dry solder joint had obviously failed, after a quick resolder, Job done.
I'm not saying your unit or your new unit is faulty there btw.
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:29 am
by taggy
i'd say the battery if duff, it may not be giving enough for the relay to work properly. does it do it when the bike is running or just when you try it when turned off?
Re: Anyone good with electrics/wiring?
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:11 pm
by tickledawson
Ok well it turns out it was too much power being taken from the battery at the same (tracker/lights/alarm/12v socket etc...) I topped the battery up and gave it a good charge and her electrics seem to be spot on now...apart from the revs dropping when I put my full beem on...
thanks for the help so far