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radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:18 pm
by mk2davis
Anyone have handy the diameter of the radiator fan???

I have the typical overheating problem when in traffic or around town to long. Everythings tip top on the fwy, so it doesn't appear to be cooling capability problem, just a lack of airflow .

I was first going to buy a larger fan from, but since I'm broke, I'm wondering if I can't either get a second rad fan from fleabay or an oil cooler fan from the junkyard. Ideas?

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:51 pm
by Fzrmike33
You can pickup a 400 radiator fan on ebay for $25, i bought my radiator and fan for $40, so just look around on ebay. I dont know the size off hand.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:04 pm
by mk2davis
Did you replace your existing fan, or set them side by side? Got pics?

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:18 pm
by Fzrmike33
I used stock radiator and stock fan that came with the bike. My bike is in a million pieces, i have sold off most of the parts i dont need and that includes the radiator and fan, sorry no pics.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:56 pm
by mk2davis
The best I can tell, the radiator measures out at 13" wide, 6.5" tall. I think the fan is at 7.5" diameter, so side by side maybe a tight fit, especially with how the frame narrows. It appears my options are twin 6.5", perhaps a shroud, or to get silly a sprayer system.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:01 pm
by tomsljr
I have a couple radiators and a couple fans in my spares box. I am running an R1 radiator with no fan on mine, so I don't really need them. I can make you a pretty good deal.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:49 am
by taggy
have you flushed the system? are the fins straight? might be that the radiator is the problem rather than the fan? i raced a 3en1 with standard rad and it never overheated.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:08 am
by rotortech
I am going to bet that you are running too lean in the low to mid-range operation. This is typical especially if you have an aftermarket exhaust.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:11 pm
by mk2davis
The reason that I think it's my fan is because when I'm moving, everything is A-ok. It's only when I'm stopped, and there is no airflow through the radiator that things get undesirable.

Roto, you are probably right. I have an aftermarket exhause of unknown orgin and K&N pods up to. Currently running 15 (stock) pilots and 100 mains. What is your suggestion for the jets? I understand that its just a guestimate, but I'm willing to bet that your guestimate is better than mine.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:53 am
by rotortech
If your fan is turning on then it is not a fan problem, OK? I am not very familiar with jet sizes on the 400. Someone else who has done a setup like this should reply. I suggest that you assume that the PO didn't do jetting correctly (or at all in most cases). Get a jet kit from Factory Pro and work on your carbs. This takes a little time and requires a trial and test approach to get the final solution. Or you can find a good dyno guy and write him a check to do it for you.

Take a look at your plugs sometime to verify the lean condition.

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:50 pm
by haro504
i have a yzf600r in great condition ill sell you for 60.00 shipped comes with a fan and is alittle bigger than tha fzr one youd have to make new mounts for it though

Re: radiator fan size

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:41 pm
by mk2davis
I appreciate the offer, but I think I may have got this licked. I put in a 17.5 pilot jet, and temp now cools down after the fan comes on. Thats a good start. If my problem re-emerges, I'll let you know.