The next thing that was odd and came out of left field, so to speak was that I had been driving for about an hour or so and all of a sudden my speedometer stopped working. I can't figure it out although I haven't really taken it apart to check. I did stop and pulled the cable out checked it, put it back in and tightened it up to no avail. It still won't work. The whole "meter" gauge seems to be dead.. I dunno why..
Any insights?
Oh yeah, If anyone else is planning on running 2 fans, you'll likely have to cut the back side of the front fender down.. Realized after I was riding that when I went to turn the bike (adjusting when parking) that something was making a god aweful sound) When I looked down, well, the fender was clipping the fan blades on the outer fan.. *sigh* gotta cut that off tomorrow..
And lastly, don't drive behind a dump-truck if you don't have too.. My new f***in paint job has tar on it now..