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Cables and water coolant/radiator reserve bottle thing - R6

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:24 pm
by tickledawson
Ok fellow riders...

1stly, what is the actual name for that water bottle at the back? as so many people are giving me different names

2ndly, does anyone have a soloution to replacing it, as i have done the R6 tail swap, and the original one obviously doesnt fit...

3rdly, i have "streetfighted" it with renthal handle bars etc... but now the clutch and throttle cables are about 1 inch to short :(
does any one know what cables WOULD fit?


its an 86 FZR400 (1WG) genesis model
and im in the uk...

AND yes, i know some people are going to moan about ruining the FZR look...
but some people will appreciate the attemp for something different...
i will post pics once shes finished and you can decide for yourselfs :D

THANKS :cop: :grinnod:

Re: Cables and water coolant/radiator reserve bottle thing - R6

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:45 pm
by DonTZ125
Coolant reservoir, radiator overflow tank, expansion tank, etc etc etc.

There are a LOT of different ways and means posted here and over at the Archives - ... opic=51417 as an example.

Re: Cables and water coolant/radiator reserve bottle thing - R6

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:54 am
by kilika2
Here is another option. I've also heard of people making a reserve bottle out of an aluminum bud light bottle. Or a NOS energy drink can.

viewtopic.php?f=59&t=5421&start=15 Second page first post. Many thanks to JRK5892 for the pics.


Re: Cables and water coolant/radiator reserve bottle thing - R6

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:11 am
by Target30
i cant believe you didnt leave it stock! thats just terrible! i just dont understand why people have to go and change the look of this bike, it was perfect in stock form! :whistle

i would never think about changing anything on the bike.....oh wait.....


pics would be great! love to see others interpretations of an FZR.

the links above are good. moving the bottle up front and fabbng a new one imo is the best option.


Re: Cables and water coolant/radiator reserve bottle thing - R6

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:42 pm
by yamaha_george
Ok, overflow bottles can be placed under the new tail across the bike if you use an RC plane fuel bottle (see this forum under RCPLAYLANDS posts when this forum was about 3 months old )
Cables from Venhill ltd (make all sorts even for kitcars )


I do not think any one on this forum is a restoro' freak, the exceptions may be GFP & myself who kept all the original bits for the next owner. I have gone so far as to make sure all my mods have not altered the frame and such just in case i sell it to a "religious" nut who wants it ex showroom.