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Help needed with ignition problem

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:08 pm
by scomoto
Hi everyone, im Mike from the UK. I race a 3tj in the Formula 400 championships here and its got a problem, i hope that you all might be able to help. Basically it feels like its running on 3 cylinders when its under load, or theres a huge flat spot at approx 8 to 10000 rpm. When its on the stand and i blip it to 10000rpm and drop the throttle it backfires and shoots a foot long flame from the can! It never did that before. I have changed the plugs, caps and leads but not yet coils or ignitor box (which has been derestricted.) The bike has a BDK ram air system on it but standard CV carbs. It recently got highsided (that hurt) and took a big knock so might have damaged something then. I hope you can help me and will appreciate any suggestions. Il post some pics on the forum soon. Cheers lads and ladies.

Re: Help needed with ignition problem

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:50 pm
by ragedigital
Sounds like a sticky valve... we'll let others chime in though.

Re: Help needed with ignition problem

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:29 pm
by 95FZR600
Welcome! I would check your coils next.Check your ohm resistance on each one.