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Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:36 am
by tazwars99
Hi can anyone help. I'm in need of a rear caliper for a 3en2. I'm sure a few other models fit but struggling to find one. Mine has a case of snapped of bleed nipples. Many thanks
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Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:55 pm
by TomcatMJ
As far as i've seen in the japanese 3en2 Partscatalogue its the same Partnumber as from a 1990s 3BF ( compared with the Numbers from ... ml#results )...and no, i'm not able to read japanese language but they use also arabic numbers as nearly everywhere else used to be used

So Spareparts for the Brakingsystem should be interchangable from a 3BF/3FH (the 3BF with EXUP) or 1WG (only different Colors of the Brake, silver instead of gold color) without problems...
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:33 am
by willandrip
3EN2 rear caliper.
Three ways to go on this.
Ebay....rear calipers in good condition are scarce hence usually pricey.
You may find one is no better than yours though.
Fronts you cannot give way.
Take the caliper to an engineer or good independent garage and have them remove the sheared nipple.
Supply a stainless replacement nipple and when refitted use ample anti-seize grease.
Ignore the seized nipple and use a banjo bolt that has a bleed nipple built in.
You can try to remove the nipple yourself with local heating via oxy/acetylene torch and a reverse screw extractor.
Its 50/50 whether it works or the threads in the soft ally caliper come out with the nipple and the caliper is then scrap.
IIRC: A 600 3HE caliper is the same fitting ..but is somewhat larger and you need to grind the rear of the piston housing
a little to clear the wheel.
The hose fits in a different place.
I had one fitted to a SP 2TK before I sourced the proper replacement.
It worked but looked out of scale.
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:12 am
by TomcatMJ
For comparision: 3BF with view to the Rear Caliper:
2014-09-26-145 by
tomcatmj, auf Flickr
As stated above, the only real difference (according to the Yamaha Sparepart-Numbers) seems to be the color
Edit: The Bleed Screw Kit is still available, ... 1lw004800/ or take the Sparepart-Number from there ( 51L-W0048-00 , it is the same as in the 3EN2 Sparepart-Catalogue ) and order it via your local Yamaha-Dealer..
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:35 am
by willandrip
I believe the OP to be in the UK.
The 3BF or parts to fit are not readily available.
Options are 3EN1 or 2.
I am not in the least surprised cmsl have stocks of bleed nipples at that price.
A generic s/s item of far better quality is circa £1.25 + free shipping from 000's of sellers.
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:48 am
by tazwars99
Thankyou everyone for the advice. I have drilled and tapped the bleed nipples and replaced with domed Allen key bolts and copper washers. I'm going to try the banjo bleed bolt as people seem to rave about them. If no good I will look for one of the alternatives listed.
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Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:02 am
Hi can you get the nipple out with extracters
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Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:02 am
by Evilchicken0
I'd have it spark eroded - google search to find a place that does this.
It locally burns out the nipple without burning the calliper body.
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:29 am
by willandrip
For the average Joe Soap home mechanic ...a L/H carbide drill bit is probably the most cost effective solution.
If used often picks up on the old bleed nipple and unscrews it as it nears the bottom of thread before
cutting into the tapered section.
I believe the OP to already to have upped the thread size and fitted a blanking bolt judging by his post..
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:14 am
by Evilchicken0
You'd need a left hand drill bit and the drill in reverse .... Shirley
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:22 pm
by willandrip
Evilchicken0 wrote:You'd need a left hand drill bit and the drill in reverse .... Shirley
That's what L/H in the post was referring to.
And stop calling me Shirley .
Re: Fzr 400 3en2 rear caliper
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:14 am
You can get bolt extracters you just knock it in the hole in the nipple and turn it out
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