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Hard to Start and Runs Rough in Rain

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:41 pm
by mayhew
My FZR400 is hard to start and runs rough in rain. I am not real experienced in troubleshooting but I am going to take it apart to have a look, any specific problem spots I should look for? Any advice would help.

Re: Hard to Start and Runs Rough in Rain

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:43 am
by Evilchicken0
Have a look at the plug caps and leads. Make sure they're on tight if they're loose screw them back in and see if that helps. If they're still lose take the cap off cut the ht lead back 10mm then rescrew the cap on.

Could also be a dodgy elec connector ...
Have a look for one that's broken or discoloured. Use a little wd40 open and clean it then put a light smear of vasaline on the male and put it back together.