Signal Electrical Issue

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Signal Electrical Issue

Post by mayhew »

I am new to this bike, I bought a 1989 FZR400 as a frame and a bunch of boxes of parts. Have it all together and ready for inspection but on the way to the shop I lost by signals, neutral light and Tach. I had this issue before and replaced the fuse and it seemed to work OK on a test drive. I am guessing I have a short somewhere, planning on having a good look at it tonight to look for a pinched wire/bad connection or something on that circuit. I am wondering if there are normal problem areas I should be looking at? Could it be something else other than a short?
PEI, Canada
1989 FZR400
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Re: Signal Electrical Issue

Post by DonTZ125 »

A common cause is a blown bulb with a segment of the filament shorting out the hot and ground terminals internally. You might also have a signal wire that's popped loose from the bullet connector and is touching the frame. This also applies to the horn and brake switches, which are variously bullet or flag / blade connectors. Do a visual inspection of these terminals, as well as the gauge cluster connectors; the gauges use pretty rugged plugs, but you never know when something will just plain break.

If nothing jumps out at you, get a collection of 10A fuses, and start activating the turn signals and brake switches. Did it blow with the left? With the right? With the front, or back brake switch? With the horn?
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Re: Signal Electrical Issue

Post by mayhew »

Thanks for the input, taped up a few suspect spots last night, the Horn Mount was bent back and the bare connection was very close to the brake line splitter, I was thinking that was it but I don't think that would cause a short if I wasn't blowing the horn at the time. It was good for a 10 min test drive last night, we will see.
PEI, Canada
1989 FZR400
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