Now Monday a friend of mine and I were going to go for a couple hours on the bike then head back home.. just to ride. Well, even on the highway doin 100KM/H the damn engine temp was creeping up higher than I wanted. So when we got into a small town about 20 minutes into the ride, we obviously slowed for the traffic lights and BAM, the temp shot right up into the red and in-fact by the time we got to another friend of ours a few minutes away from where we were at the time, I was PAST the red. I shut the bike off and she boiled for a good little while afterwards.
So I had ordered up a water pump off Flea-bay a week and a half ago and it arrived earlier today (err Tuesday)... So I put the ole bitch up on the stand and went to work. Took a while to get things off, but I finally removed the water pump. Took the cover off of it and to my amazement the damn thing looked brand new. No damage on the fins and it turns fairly effortlessly. Astonished, I looked at the "new" one I got in, and nearly shit my pants. I opened up the new one and the fins are rusted to hell, and it took a few minutes to free the impeller to a point where it actually turned..... But still not as free/easy as the one that was on the bike..
*sigh* I asked the guy who sold it to inspect the impeller condition and he said he did.. Good thing I got that in writing, cause the prick's either giving me my money back or getting a knock from Ebay in his in-box.. There's NO WAY he inspected it, the bolts still had years of grease/oil build-up on em.. and the seal wasn't broken...
Anyways, back to the origin of this post.. Now WTF do I look for??? There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the cooling system now.. I mean I'm bringing the pump that was on there into the local Yammy dealer tomorrow to see if their head mechanic can tell me whether or not the impeller is spinning properly to begin with.. But otherwise, I have no idea what I should be looking for now in terms of what would cause the bike to overheat so severely. We get warm weather here (no, no igloo's here year round), but shit, it's nowhere near the scorching Texas or Arizona heat.. And all this stuff is WITH the fan running constantly by way of the bypass switch I installed.

I'm almost outta options here.. I might bring it into a shop to have them give it a once-over but aside from that, do I start looking at the motor as the culprit? do I call my riding season over for now and tear it down and inspect everything? God I hope not, but like I said, I just don't know...