Jetting with full system?

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Jetting with full system?

Post by slickwill »

My bike has a V&H full system, stock airbox with UNI filter. It came with 110 mains with needles in the middle position. Stock pilot jets with fuel screw set to specs. It starts and idles well and part throttle fueling seems pretty good but it definitely seems very rich at WOT. Above 3rd gear it won't pull to redline at WOT but just starts to stumble.

Anyone running a full system that can give me a baseline? I also have a K&N that I can drop in the airbox but it doesn't seem to change much.
...dude you ride an offroad bike with slicks, 1/2 the weight of a GS, double the suspension, with a browning 50 cal going off 32" from your skull as a daily freaking driver - I'd expect anything except a nitro dragbike to be bland by comparison - SSG
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Re: Jetting with full system?

Post by Evilchicken0 »

Take it to a dyno and get it set up. You can chase settings all over but a dyno will analyse the engine under load and through the rev range.

K+N filters won't add much, a clean standard filter is pretty good and its the air box that puts a limit on the air. They are cleanable though so you should save money in the long run.
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Re: Jetting with full system?

Post by slickwill »

I'm pretty good with carbs and can tune with very good results so unless I have to I'd rather avoid the dyno. I'd just like a baseline for a main jet size from someone running a full system. There is a lot of ground between stock jets and the 110s that are in there so if someone can give me a ballpark starting main jet it will save on jet costs. Then I'll take it to a track day and do real world "dyno" testing which is far superior.

I should mention that I had the carbs in and out four times on Saturday trying various settings and improved things but it really is a main jet issue (too rich) so there isn't any point to chasing other settings right now.
...dude you ride an offroad bike with slicks, 1/2 the weight of a GS, double the suspension, with a browning 50 cal going off 32" from your skull as a daily freaking driver - I'd expect anything except a nitro dragbike to be bland by comparison - SSG
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