Does anyone know if the front sprocket is held on with right or left hand threads?
front sprocket removal
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front sprocket removal
"thereis a seat for every ass, and an ass for every seat"
Re: front sprocket removal
It is a right hand thread. They can either be tight as hell to get off or fall off all by themselves when you don't want them to.
Re: front sprocket removal
LOL I'm just realizing I don't know the difference between right and left hand threads. I don't know which is which. As for the front sprocket, the nut is righty tighty lefty loosy.
Most people take them off with a impact wrench. If you don't have one, rest a 2x4 across the top of the swing arm and between the spokes of the rear wheel. Then when you go to loosen the nut with your BFW, it will hold. The alternate of using the rear brake or putting it in gear does not work, just use the 2x4. Spray the nut with WD-40 or PB Blaster beforehand and don't forget to flatten the washer before you go to use your wrench.
Most people take them off with a impact wrench. If you don't have one, rest a 2x4 across the top of the swing arm and between the spokes of the rear wheel. Then when you go to loosen the nut with your BFW, it will hold. The alternate of using the rear brake or putting it in gear does not work, just use the 2x4. Spray the nut with WD-40 or PB Blaster beforehand and don't forget to flatten the washer before you go to use your wrench.