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Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:27 pm
by fzrowner1
hello stupid questions i know but whats the best grips where can i get new footpegs and what sizes ect do i need also i can find no new fairing anywhere i only want the bit behind the seat! and i need rear left hand side also what other little mods can i do to make it look alot better keeping the square rear end just want to modenise it abit how hard are led inducators to fit? and thinking about a rear led break light aswell and would like brighter lights aswell does anyone know what fittings they are? having the bike sprayed in summer black with blue on engine and taz airbrushed on tank! putting renthal handlebars put on having personalised bar raisers made! any advice or any suggestions please cheers


Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:03 pm
by GreyImport
Get on ebay for LED globe replacement....

I put these in my 250 tail .... ... 1436.l2649

These in my front "park" lights ... 1436.l2649

These in the gauges ..... ... 1436.l2649

Just find a UK ebay seller......I would say the 400 has the same fittings.

Just pull out the old globes and check.....

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:42 pm
by Evilchicken0
How long are you thinking of keeping the bike for ... maybe until you can afford something like an R6 ?

To be honest it's an 1989 bike and the money youre looking to spend on cosmetics would be better spent on the mechanicals, brake pads, blue spot calipers, braided lines, disks maybe. Get suspension sorted, rebuild the forks with new springs or change the front end for a Thundercat / FZR600R foxeye (they bolt in) and a R6 shock. Fit some new tyres.
Mods like these will make the bike better
Use FZR1000 exup lamps (fit switch relays if you use higher power bulbs)
The best grips are Rethnal dual compound supebike type, make shure you get superbike grips not the MX ones. The dual compound stops some vibration.

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:06 pm
by fzrowner1
thankyou for your advice and suggestions and im not planning on selling it it was left to someone in family by an old family friend who passed so its staying untill one day when i can pass it on

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:00 pm
by willandrip
That bit behind the seat;
3EN-24796-50-NA BLACK
is still available from any Yamaha dealer @ circa £45+ VAT.
It is just about the only way to get one,I have searched 5 months and yet to see a used one advertised.
Why they disappear is beyond my reasoning;they are not crash susceptable.

Footpegs that fit== ... 2ebe8a1194

Remove the pivot pin and replace original spring on the new peg then re-fix with a cap screw.
They are nothing like as comfortable as the std. ones.

Are you wanting to replace the complete tail light assy.?
Please post up pics of blue engine once painted.


Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:25 pm
by fzrowner1
keeping tail end ad original as possible mate and i will 100percent put some pics up when done! shes abit of a state at the moment! but once she is all done there will be plenty of pics up and sorry this maybe really stupid question will them pegs fit 4003en2 says 600 on ebay thankyou so much for your help and time :) also planning on keeping front fairing and want to cut double bubble screen down and put renthal bars on it? what do you think? cheers

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:46 am
by willandrip
The Fzr FOOTPEG is the same on all models from the 400(possibly the 250) up to the 1000 and all years from inception in 1986 until demise in 1995.(
It is the hangers and the pivot clevis shaft that differs.
(check the rubber cover fitment below)
yamaha fz600u 1988 stand footrest
yamaha fz600uc 1988 stand footrest
yamaha fzr600rg genesis 1995 stand & footrest
yamaha srx600s 1986 stand footrest
yamaha xj600sf diversion 1994 stand footrest
yamaha xj600sg diversion 1995 stand footrest
yamaha xj600sh diversion 1996 stand footrest
yamaha xj600sj diversion 1997 stand footrest
yamaha fz600s 1986-87 stand footrest
yamaha fz750 1987 stand. footrest
yamaha tdm850 1992 stand footrest
yamaha yzf750r 1994 stand footrest
yamaha fzr1000g 94-95 1994-95 stand footrest
yamaha fz700t genesis 1987 stand footrest
yamaha rd350lcf 1986 stand. footrest
yamaha fzr400u stand footrest
yamaha fzr400suc stand footrest
yamaha fzr400w stand footrest
yamaha fzr400swc stand footrest
yamaha fzr400sac stand footrest
yamaha fzr400a stand footrest
yamaha fzr600rh genesis 1996 stand & footrest
yamaha fzr600rj genesis 1997 stand & footrest
yamaha fzr600 genesis 1989 stand & footrest
yamaha fzr600 genesis 1990 stand & footrest
yamaha fzr600 genesis 1991 stand & footrest

This list is 3 pages long;I did not copy it all!

If you put some pics up of how it is now, others can advise better; plus it shows what you have done. .

From this mess;

To this;

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:07 am
by Evilchicken0
Ahhhh before and after pics ...





With the rear light - I just put a bit of white in the middle


Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:10 pm
by willandrip
Nice work from Boris;as per the norm !

Had the headers been in the sea ?




And after a "Boris AKA Evilchicken0" tutorial;


Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:23 pm
by fzrowner1
sorry about slow reply but oh thats amazing!! you made thats beautiful mate! where did you get the fairing? just need one pannel and im going to do a wol thread on before and afters fork seals done now just need body filler and paint then the renthal bars new foot rests and afew other mods and il be happy :) thankyou for your help

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:51 pm
by Evilchicken0
The fairing is the same as the FZR600 3HE (the tail sections different though)

Stick to the clipons, with bars you'll need throttle cables, clutch cable, brake lines and maybe extend the wiring. Then you'll need a pair of mirrors. You'll spend a lot of money ... around 200 the value will go down and it will look wrong.

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:16 am
by fzrowner1
i have a friend that gets parts very cheap! i would prefer to sit up more if im honest and also could you tell me where i could get some inlet manifolds from? cheers

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:02 am
by Evilchicken0
Discontinued part, they come up on ebay sometimes. You could try a 600 3HE but I can't swear to them being the same, (same carb and similar inlets though).
Have a look at the airbox rubbers and if they're hard replace them

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:50 pm
by fzrowner1
air box all good! thankyou for advice cant seem to find any for 3en2! do you know anywhere where i could have them made or anything? cheers

Re: Cosmetics and suggestions fzr 400 3en2

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:47 pm
by GreyImport