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bike dropped :o need some advice 3EN2
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:45 am
by fzrowner1
right got home last night put bike on stand walked 10ft and BANG she fell over :'( smashed inducator what bulb do i need? got another standard inducator and got a clutch leaver (2nd hand) where can i get a brand new one? and what else should i check? cheers people
Re: bike dropped :o need some advice 3EN2
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:47 am
by fzrowner1
P.S i also have no bar ends but inside the bars its freaded anyone know what bar ends will fit? cheers
Re: bike dropped :o need some advice 3EN2
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:24 am
by Evilchicken0
You can fit standard FZR600 bar ends but I like the turned alloy ones from "Bike It", the T'Cat ones look a bit nicer.
Clean out the threads in the bars with a round brush (a Bottle Brush) and put some copper slip on the bar end threads.
Take the other side's indicator bulbs out and see what it is.
Clutch levers - I usually buy pattern ones off the Bay ... again Bike It make them, they're the same as FZR600.
You might find it a little hard to start the bike up because the carbs can drain / flood when it's on it's side. There's probably some scratches on the alternator cover but apart from that it's just annoying.
One thing you can do is change the headlights for FZR1000 EXUP unit - it has H4 bulbs and will be brighter, the bulbs are cheaper than the standard 400 ones too. They're held in by the nosecone so you need the whole fairing off but they're easy to fit.
Re: bike dropped :o need some advice 3EN2
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:29 pm
by fzrowner1
thankyou for your help!

shes all sorted now ordered a new inducator came with spare bulb and lense was supprised as it was only 12pounds

thankyou again