12 pcs - $156.00 / piston ($624.00/set of 4)
24 pcs - $127.00 / piston ($508.00/set of 4)
50 pcs - $106.00 / piston ($424.00/set of 4)
The price include rings, wrist pin, cir-clips. Also at these prices, they can make two different size pistons. To do this job they'll need a stock piston to measure and a bunch of money.

I don't need a new top end for my FZR, but wanted to pass this info on. If there's enough folks looking, perhaps someone with a dire need for a piston set could step up and coordinate a group buy. Here's the Wiseco contact info:
Tom Davis x3109
Wiseco Piston Inc., Technical Sales
7201 Industrial Park Blvd.
Mentor, OH. 44060
Ph: (800) 321-1364
Fx: (440) 951-6606
Posted this info in a couple of other FZR400 forums.