took my 88 fzr400 for good ride at weekend 120 miles on way home put lights on bike still ran fine got to a mile away from home and stalled it!!

(3 years away from riding does that!!!)any way pushed starter and click click ok worried pushed bike to side of the road tried again it was if the battery had lost power so quick call to wife to come down with booster pack bike started 1st time got home and thought better charger bike up so hooked it up over night on trickle charge next day started fine no problems put lights on while bike was sat on drive shut it off and fine so thought i take a run out with my brother in law(gsxr600)any way got bout 1 mile from my house and thought put lights on anyway pulled up at level crossing stalled it again!!

numpty would not start

turned all lights off nothing lucky was on a bit off a hill so just got in bumped turned round and headed home got home and swapped batterys had a band new one in shed ok now i was a bit worried next day took it for a ride no problems but bout 100 mtrs from my house switched lights on got on to drive turned her off then treid to start nothing again
any ideas love the bike and not going to run just seems a daft problem any help would be great